Anonymous ID: b281f2 Oct. 19, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3532538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2598


I was lurking ITT on that day & I still get shivers when reading it, 2 years later. This rabbit hole is a mindfuck of gorillion-esque possibilities, but the purest joy it gives me is that Tesla's tech will be unveiled. Imagine being able to grow your own food, fuel your energy needs anywhere on earth, at anytime. Slavery for shekels ends, overnite. People are free to devote their short Earth time to whatever they feel pleases God, in harmony with nature & Natural Law.



Roger Joseph Boscovich, Oliver Heavyside, James Clerk Maxwell, Charles Proteus Steinmetz Oleg D. Jefimenko, Eric P. Dollard, Ken Wheeler.


Those here who spout the word Quantum in the same sentence as physicsare utter retards. Once you get Ken Wheeler, you will see that a water shed moment is nigh, a few mores months, perhaps a year or 2 at most when Magnetism will be the new physics, forever BTFO Einstein, the fuzzy haired crackpot.

Screencap this, faggots

Anonymous ID: b281f2 Oct. 19, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.3532686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is what I do up to 17 hours a day. When not on here I look for the best lead out people that know, know of & disseminate their knowledge, research (without rushing to Patents office first) about anything regarding the zero point revolution we are all about to be witness to. Understanding counterspace, Fields, Field geometry, & how magnetism extrapolates at a rate of 1/phi^-3 is responsible for all physical phenomena, from micro to macro is key.