Anonymous ID: b5911f Oct. 19, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3532395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2416

You’ve all heard of Predictive Programming. So allow me to blow your mind.

As Q said

>How many coincidences until it becomes mathematically impossible?


Who is behind our predictive programming? Most know it here, even if they won’t accept it. So allow me to prove it for you:


’’’The Simpsons’’’

Who is the most iconic character in The Simpsons apart from Homer? That’s right Bart.

And Bart is the son of Homer. So remove everything in ”Simpsons” before ”son” and you are left with:

>The Sons.

Now replace ”n” with ”w”, ”o” with ”e” and the first ”S” with ”J”. What do you get?

>The Jews.


’’’The Family Guy’’’

Who created the Family Guy? That’s right That guy whose name i forgot.

Did hid family have anything to do with that? No.

So remove ”Family”.

>The Guy.

Now replace ”y” with ”w”, ”u” with ”e” and ”G” with ”J”. What do you get?

>The Jew.

Now because it’s a series there are more than 1 episode, so let’s put an S on that. And you Get:

>The Jews.



Originally what day of the week did Friends air? That’s right Friday.

When you want to shorten Friday it becomes Fri. So remove ”Fri”. And you now have:


Now replace ”d” with ”w”, ”n” with ”e” and ”E” with ”J”. What do you get?



Even movies too !


’’’The Avengers’’’

Where were the Nazis from? Germany.

Germany shortened becomes ”ger”. So remove ”Aven” and it becomes:

>The Gers.

Now replace ”r” with ”w” and ”G” with ”J”. What do you get?

>The Jews.



Boom-motherfucking-boom !