Anonymous ID: 10eb94 Oct. 19, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.3533426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey anons, when POTUS mentions GS could he have meant….


Girl Scouts


WTF? CPA Accused of Stealing Over $93,000 from Girl Scouts, Cancer Center


A certified public accountant charged with embezzling more than $93,000 from two Girl Scouts troops, a Girl Scouts service unit and a local cancer center made her first court appearance [Oct. 11] on two felony counts filed against her this week.


Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Gustavo Sztraicher allowed Patricia Cascione, 52, of Santa Clarita, to remain free on $20,000 bond while awaiting arraignment next Tuesday on two felony counts of embezzlement.


Prosecutors are expected to ask then that Cascione’s bail be increased to $125,000.


A Super Girl Scout Makes Movies To Make Life Better For Vulnerable Girls


Just a short excerpt:

What drew you to these issues?


I was always passionate about women's rights.I would read news reports about trafficking and child marriage, and they always left me with a bad feeling.


When I was in ninth grade, I joined student groups of Amnesty International and Girls Learning International and began learning and reading more about gender-based violence, child marriage and human trafficking.


I was really surprised by what I learned. I had believed that all parents who would let their daughters marry so early must be bad people. But I had not taken into account external and root causes, such as terrible poverty and not being able to afford to feed another mouth. I also did not realize that human trafficking could happen not just across other borders but within one's own community, even in the U.S., and that traffickers can trap [victims] by taking their passports or holding other blackmail over them.


Just a thought. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's more. Let's not forget these organizations have their fair share of abuse.