Anonymous ID: 2365ab Oct. 19, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.3532942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3101 >>3259

The Secret behind Russia's Hypersonic missiles.

They took a process that was discovered

In a completely different field

Involving a completely different material

And applied new knowledge to aerodynamics


That is the Power of TRIZ


Simply put, the Russians have developed a process

For systematically accelerating invention and innovation

They are using this to harness the creativity of people

Coming out of their rigorous education system.


While the Prussian education system drove students to conform

The Russian education system drives them to excel.

And the American education system drives students to laziness and liberal values.


Trump said quite clearly, Russia is a competitor of the USA.

Is the USA really serious about wanting to compete and win?

Then step 1 is to get serious about playing the game.