Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.3532998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3033 >>3287 >>3347 >>3409


Shoot on sight orders need to be given out, and a permanent US military division stationed at the borders.


implement martial law in CA, all border states, and consider this an act of WAR by soros.


Arrest soros and take his entire clan into custody. public execution.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 11:31 a.m. No.3533120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3148 >>3155


POTUS has two choices that cabal gave him:

#1: do nothing and let this fizzle out of msm cycle

#2: Q way and let this be used to galvanize us while letting invaders be 'processed', same ones that claim it is their right to invade and rape at will. Racial hatred, lies, etc.


Third option: Overwhelming force with absolute viciousness that destroys any sense of 'strength' these fucking subhuman feel by putting a boot to their throats and letting the world know we are stronger and can kill them at will.


Vicious, fast, absolutely crushing force.


Beyond estimation of our enemies.


This is supposed to be a military operation.

streets are worse then before.

We know not to play (((their))) game.

We know they are trying to make us 'feel' towards to red line and corner.

They did this and are doing all they do for a reason.

We cannot let them have the initiative.


We can turn everything upside down in an instant, but I hope Q team and POTUS has the power to make the right call and vision to work this out.


World did not listen to POTUS because 'unity'. They did not listen to Q team at first because of that.

They listened to power, and those with courage and viciousness/force to implement it.

When it must be implemented.


Street actions are necessary for a reason. All this emboldening of subhuman scum is taking a toll on good people.

Both in reality, and by perception.

If people are disrespected and are told not to kill their enemies because 'unity', what is left?

Our enemies, both foreign and domestic, must DIE.

pawns must DIE.

muzzies must be terrorized, raped, and crushed into dust, expelled from our soils.

these subhuman invaders, these SCUM that gladly partake in this act of 'migration' must be PHYSICALLY handled and tossed out to PROVE who is the boss and in control.


It can be done without giving (((them))) what they want.

Overwhelming response.

Vicious attack upon the invaders.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.3533234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315


>they want race war

>they want

>they want


will we be arrested for defending ourselves?

will we be prosecuted for fucking getting rid of scum that dare to tread our lands?

Will we not have the right to beat and kill those whose intents are clearly to victimize, hate, and rape our people?

Where is the 'red line'?


Q and POTUS wants us to be strong.

Without force?


If he wants us to get organized at street level, we will.

If we have to go through martial law for it we will.


More than few people are sick of being renedered hostages in our own nations.

I refrained from this for a long time, but I believe it needs to be said:

if Q team and POTUS are going to shield those disrespecting us and raping our children and women, that is not MAGA.


these fucking scum don't give a shit about unity.

(((they))) want us dead and killed, enslaved.

Do DCites want to sit pretty and feel good while the reality of the citizen goes from hostage to a dead, raped corpse?


Did we, autists, fail to move fast enough? Most likely.

But there is a line we cannot fall back from.

What are our options?


I repeated time and time again the importance of 'street level' actions.


the 'pawns' NEED to be aware they are facing a lethal action if they behave as they do now.


From ANYONE in the streets.

these 'pawns' are our enemies.

many of them don't care about 'hatred'.

it's all about doing whatever the fuck they like.


With all respect to Q team, we will need some directions.

'hatred' and 'division' alone is not the problem.

Some ARE the problem, both by will and actions.

There is a line we must not cross.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.3533289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3542


many people have been feeling very similarly.

much has been done, but our enemies are certainly not being dissuaded.

We are all piece of the larger puzzle, and we are doing this because we follow POTUS and Q.


But some of these approaches have been very out of touch. Very irresponsible.

Many places in our country are hostile zones.

PEOPLE are not free.

and for those being targeted, some feel that Q team is just telling them to grow up and go fuck themselves while being hunted and predated upon.


It's not just 'fear'. It's not just 'perception'.

If those who behave against us with just such intent are not beaten down and shown to have no power, then 'power' as illusory and fake as it may be, passes to them.


It must be said. I really hope Q team knows what they are doing.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.3533387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3424 >>3473


last 'caravan' was processed and many of those 1500-2000 are now wandering US cities.


yea, so it's just another few thousand (75% military aged males), few more dead and raped people.

"what difference does it make"?


Maybe sacrifices need to be made until the lazy ass fucking pussies in public need to MAN the FUCK up and start push back themselves?


But no, PC is still in place and some law enforcement niggers are happy playing 'bigger man' while sucking off of higher funding and atta boy bullshit.


Whose country?

People are told to just get beat. That's the bottom line.

If Q tells us to organize militias or something, we will.


But current situation is just a slower wind down to globalist end game: 'melting pot'.

the snubbing and destruction of American nation has not stopped.


Q team meanwhile takes away what to many is last vestiges of people's means to defend themselves. What they feel (after 70 years of continued assault), matters to the 'knowers' as much as how far we can get the next koombaya going.


credibility matters.

People are dying.


Many of us lost family members to this deluge. Dead, forgotten. We even forgot how to weep properly. I found out I didn't even know how to grieve correctly.


EU is not free.

total black out on muzlim crime waves.

total free hand for these subhumans.


Think, Q team.

'perception' led us here.


We are dead if this keeps going as it is.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.3533487   🗄️.is 🔗kun


personally care less about the publicity of it all. Do care Q team made that fuck bite the bullet.


I am strictly talking about some of the approaches to the racial issues.

Are we just really doing all this to turn into another brazil?

Why are fucking muzzies allowed to walk our streets, eyeing our people?

Apparently white people don't fucking matter for shits to those in the know.

fucking 2000 years of resistance and will to push through wasn't enough.

Apparently those love this country for what it is/was can go fuck themselves on the altar of 'unity'.


Apparently they are too 'racist' and'white supremacist'.

Apparently, opinions on this matter from kush or other subversive shits/liberally minded 'royals' are of greater importance.


Our enemies smell weakness, unwillingness of those in charge to act decisively, to drag down POTUS.


Which is why, if we are told to go and fight, we will.

Current trend is unacceptable for many, both domestic and foreign. We don't follow 'perceptions' created by our enemies, rather we need to initiate something ourselves.


Our enemies DEAD.

US, alive.


Simple as that.

Anonymous ID: 2370cc Oct. 19, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.3533578   🗄️.is 🔗kun




fuck it not even minorities can put up with this shit any longer.


Seriously who the fuck are these niggers in DC trying to cuck POTUS?