Anonymous ID: 741468 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.3533469   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3521513 (PB)

Look up your county board of elections or county board of canvassers (different locations, different names … same basic function) and ask them where and when to vote. Then show up with whatever ID you were instructed to bring.


That's it. Depending on the crowd, usually takes about 15 minutes or so.


You can wear whatever clothing you wish (including candidate support clothing) but can't actually talk up your favorite once inside the building and usually for a clear space of about 50' away from the door.

The volunteers inside will walk you through the process and get things started for you. It's really a very simple process. >>3521435 (PB)

Beautiful … a woman who knows what she's about. The sort of woman who won't simply laugh at your jokes and take your money, but knows a few jokes and has a little money of her own. MUCH the better choice!


I think we should make up for the misleading November 7 liberal vote instruction by giving them a makeup day on November 11.


Could we just lay an 8' diameter pipe across the US with one end at the southern border and the other at the edge of Canukistan?


Antifa doesn't "own" the streets in my town. Sorry about yours.

>>3521420 (PB)

>2nd that!

>Autist Island - where the beer is always free.


>>3521489 (PB)

Putin Englishes better than you. He was speaking of fighting back against a nuclear attack. Christians are most definitely allowed to defend themselves.


Is that the same Erdogan whose bodyguards roughed up American citizens IN America who were protesting him using their 1st Amendment rights?

LOOKS like the same Erdogan to me.

>>3521867 (PB)

Second time today I've encountered that term "bloodbath". Earlier is was in reference to the Red Tsunami being more of a bloodbath.