Anonymous ID: eeb2f2 Oct. 19, 2018, 11:07 a.m. No.3532879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2885 >>2896 >>2914 >>2937 >>2960 >>2968 >>2980 >>3001 >>3013 >>3271

Son in-law just got this text. (pic related)

Below see his response and his sharing it with me…LOL

They are scared shitless….


Got this text

This was my response

Hi Megan!! A few things first:

1) do you remember the pledge of allegiance?

"I pledge allegiance to the FLAG of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to the……..REPUBLIC for which it stands, ONE NATION under GOD, indivisible with liberty and justice for all"


Notice it doesn't say "and to the democracy for which it stands" do you?


2) I have always and will always vote REPUBLICAN


3) your "blue wave" movement will be ruined by red tide!


4) if you're still there "moveon" to someone else like you who wants to destroy this country by continuing to vote "blue"


5)have a nice day…I'll be sure to take stocks out in Kleenex come November 6th for another WAVE of RED 😎


God bless AMERICA


Fucking great!!!

Lmao 😂

I really hope someone reads it lmao

I know just where to post
