Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.3533608   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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We hunt pedophiles. Illegal content is posted by bad actors board mods remove and block but some ip hop, this is a constant battle as the powers that be do not want the TRUTH getting out.




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Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.3533633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3704 >>3757 >>3872 >>4340

Child Rape Gang Trial Which Saw Tommy Robinson Jailed Over Reporting Restrictions Sees 20 Abusers Jailed


A child abuse gang which embarked on a “campaign of rape and other sexual abuse” against vulnerable teenage girls has been jailed, it can now be reported after censorship measures were lifted.


Leeds Crown Court heard grim details about how the predators, from Huddersfield, plied their victims with drink and drugs and threatened to, and sometimes did, abandon them on the moors if they did not comply with demands.


One victim gave birth to a child after being raped, another had an abortion, and one tried to kill herself following the abuse, The Times reports.


Most of the groomers — who had sinister nicknames like Chiller, Dracula, and Bully — were Pakistani heritage, with some from India, two Sikh, and many Muslims.


The case bears similarities to other cases in the UK – including Rotherham, Newcastle, and Oxford – with victims claiming police and authorities were slow or reluctant to act, potentially due to political correctness.


Reporting of the case in the media was completely blocked by authorities, despite intense public interest and details available online. Activist Tommy Robinson was imprisoned after reporting details on social media, with a media ban on reporting about Robinson’s imprisonment also being imposed.


The censorship was only lifted when a legal challenge was brought by a group a media organisations.


Amere Singh Dhaliwal, 35, was dubbed the ringleader and jailed for life earlier this year and told he must serve a minimum of 18 years.


He is one of 20 men who has been found guilty of scores of offences and been jailed after a series of trials at Leeds Crown Court.


Fifteen women, who are mainly white, told juries harrowing details of what they had suffered at the men’s hands between 2004 and 2011 when they were aged between 11 and 17.


Dhaliwal was convicted of 54 offences against 11 victims. He was found guilty of 22 rapes, including the rape of a child under 13, sexual assault, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, prostitution, trafficking, drug dealing, and beating.


The ‘Kid’ Mohammed Akram, 31, was convicted of rape, abduction, sexual assault, trafficking. He is yet to be sentenced.


Raj Singh Barsran, 34, was convicted of rape and sexual assault and jailed for 17 years.


‘Dracula’ Nahman Mohammed, 30, was convicted of rape and trafficking and jailed for 17 years.


‘Junior’ Asif Bashir, 32, was convicted of rape and sexual activity with a child. He is yet to be sentenced.


‘Shaw’ Niaz Ahmed, 53, nicknamed Shaw, is yet to be jailed but was convicted of sexual assault, inciting a child into sexual activity.


‘Beastie’ Abdul Rehman, 31, was convicted of rape, supplying a controlled drug of class B, ABH and trafficking, and jailed for 16 years.


‘Bully’ Mohammed Imran Ibrar, 32, was convicted of trafficking and ABH but is yet to be sentenced.



Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:20 p.m. No.3533651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3664 >>3673 >>3694 >>3744 >>3996 >>4020 >>4237 >>4247

HORROR: Toronto Hospital Preps Assisted Suicide For Children, Might Not Inform Parents


The oft-mocked "slippery slope" arguments from conservatives with regard to euthanasia are terrifyingly coming to fruition in Canada.


Last month, a group of medics from Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children outlined their plans for administering "medically assisted suicidal" for patients under the age of 18 in the "near future." The paper, published in the British Medical Journal, asserts their commitment to "patient confidentially" with such hypothetical children, stating that there will likely be cases where a "capable" child patient could undergo the "assisted suicide" without parents being informed first.


"This article explores the ethical challenges of providing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in a paediatric setting," reads the paper's abstract. "More specifically, we focus on the theoretical questions that came to light when we were asked to develop a policy for responding to MAID requests at our tertiary paediatric institution."


"While MAID is currently available to capable patients in Canada who are 18 years or older—a small but important subsection of the population our hospital serves—we write our policy with an eye to the near future when capable young people may gain access to MAID," the paper affirms, adding, "By providing a record of our in-progress thinking, we hope to stimulate wider discussion about the issues and questions encountered in this work."


And parents might not be notified about their child's "decision" to have doctors kill them.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.3533662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3686 >>3716

British Academics Say that Memes Are Contributing to Obesity


A group of British academics told lawmakers that memes are contributing to the United Kingdom’s obesity crisis.


A letter sent from a group of concerned academics to British lawmakers argues that memes are corrupting children and encouraging them to engage in self-destructive behaviors. The academics contend that memes that include offensive content could lead to children adopting objectionable beliefs.


Our provisional inquiries show that a substantial number of individuals on Twitter share health related Internet memes, with both positive and negative messages, through their public accounts. Such is the pervasiveness of Internet memes that the vast majority of sharers display little, if any, emotion when sharing these memes: many of which contain inappropriate material or ridicule others by race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, body shape, religion, diet etc. When viewed in this way, Internet memes have the potential to normalise undesirable behaviours such as trolling, body shaming and bullying, and a lack of emotion may be indicative of a larger apathy with regards to such practice.


The academics go on to suggest that memes tagged with the hashtag “#fitnessaddict” could “normalize” unhealthy behaviors in children.


Considering that Internet memes can often normalise unhealthy behaviours, figure 1 highlights that a significantly large proportion of tweets across the three hashtags tended to contain the emotion of happiness. It is worth noting that nearly twice as much emotion was expressed in tweets containing #tea than in those containing #meme, and #fitnessaddict and nearly five time more than those containing #flexibledieting.


Recently, a group of Swedish lawmakers decided that the “distracted boyfriend” meme was sexist. The lawmakers said that the meme objectifies women and suggest that men can “change their partners in the same way they would change jobs.”


This week, Breitbart News reported on the “NPC meme,” which depicts partisan progressives as robotic conformists who spout talking points in response to world events. The meme has been used to mock everything from NBC to Che Guevara.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.3533669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3690 >>3708 >>3822 >>3950

Nigel Farage unveils George Soros corruption within the EU


This video was from around the time of the Panama Papers leaking out to the press. Nigel pointed to the hypocrisy of the EU council when speaking about foreign interference in their political discourse. He openly calls out members for the affiliation with George Soros and his associated organizations like Open Society.


Says that George Soros’ influence is the biggest case of foreign election interference in world history.


Soros funds the left in the USA though, he’s got his hands in it from EVERY angle.


He funds BAMN, who funds ANTIFA, who then spread violence in the streets.


He funds Media Matters, who are in bed with Journalists in the MSM to spread disinfo.


He funds Open Society, who is in bed with Colleges to indoctrinate the youth into socialism.


And He Funds Political Campaigns so he can make his desires law.


The only Agency he has no sway over is the Executive Branch.


He is the greatest enemy from within that the USA has ever had to deal with. Soros needs to be stopped.


Brexit is the best thing to happen to Britain, but it’s probably already too late for them. In 20 years the caliphate will have taken over the entire island.


Germany and France are gone in 20 years as well.


The USA still has a chance though.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.3533675   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NSA Finalizes $6.7 Billion in Classified Tech Contracts


The National Security Agency is quietly beginning work on a new series of three communications contracts valued at $6.7 billion.


Details are sparse because the classified contracts—collectively called Greenway—were secretly awarded to telecommunications giant AT&T and defense contractors General Dynamics and ManTech International in 2016. Redacted legal documents following a protest of one of the contracts in March indicate the NSA’s goal is to “technically evolve” its IT environment.


NSA’s Greenway program is a continuation of its classified Groundbreaker program, which dates back to then-NSA Director Michael Hayden’s decision to outsource the agency’s IT operations to industry.


At the time, Hayden said the contract would allow NSA to “refocus assets on the agency’s core missions of providing foreign signals intelligence and protecting U.S. national security-related information systems by turning over several information technology infrastructure services for industry’s purview.”


NSA awarded the first $5 billion Groundbreaker contract in 2001 to a joint alliance of contractors called the Eagle Alliance, led by Computer Science Corp., which became CSRA. The same Eagle Alliance companies, which included Northrop Grumman, held the business for well over a decade before the NSA decided to break the Groundbreaker program up into smaller pieces, resulting in Greenway.


The Three Pieces of Greenway


As Nextgov reported in September 2017, CSRA won the first Greenway contract worth up to $2.4 billion over the next decade. The company announced the award through a Securities and Exchange Commission filing, where it acknowledged the value and duration of the contract without naming the customer agency or contract’s name. Months later, a redacted decision by the Government Accountability Office on a protest of the contract revealed CSRA’s portion of Greenway is called “Global Enterprise Services.”


The documents state “Global Enterprise Services” will focus “on services on a global scale and more virtual in nature.” Following the contract, CSRA was purchased by General Dynamics, a northern Virginia-based defense contractor.


In January 2018, AT&T won the second Greenway contract, called “Regional Infrastructure Services I.” AT&T’s award became public following two protests lobbied against it by competitors DXC Technology and Enterprise Services LLC. According to GAO, Regional Infrastructure Services I has a maximum value of $3.3 billion over 10 years. According to the redacted documents, AT&T will “operate, maintain and technically evolve” the NSA and Central Security Service’s IT environment.


ManTech International captured the third and final Greenway phase, called “Regional Infrastructure Services II.” As reported by Washington Technology, ManTech announced the contract—worth up to $1 billion over 10 years—in a May 1 earnings call. Little else is known about the deal, although the redacted GAO documents state Greenway’s Regional Infrastructure Services will provide “services more localized and physical in nature and provisioned at specific zones throughout the world.”

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.3533684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3738 >>3847 >>3877

Produce ALERT: New EXPERIMENTAL Monsanto Franken-Fruits hit the produce racks soon – watch out for genetically mutated mushrooms, tomatoes, bananas and strawberries


Gene editing of food happens when scientists remove part of a plant or seed’s DNA sequence and replace it with bacteria or pathogens that would normally never grow that way in nature. There is absolutely no science proving this is safe for humans, so anyone who consumes genetically modified foods is playing Russian roulette with their health.


Monsanto, the most evil corporation on planet Earth, is now branding their latest fruit and vegetable science monsters that grow from “Crispr” gene editing during laboratory experimentation as “cutting-edge technology,” even though past GMO experiments (like with BT corn and Roundup Ready crops) have completely backfired, causing cancer, anxiety, depression, and kidney failure in tested lab animals.

If you’re into taking health RISKS, eat experimental peach-flavored strawberries, seedless tomatoes, non-browning mushrooms, and ultra-sweet strawberries


Pro biotech propagandists always refer to anyone who doesn’t want to eat genetically modified foods as “anti-science.” They believe that anything created in a laboratory is 100 percent safe for the environment, farm animals, and of course, humans. They lie and say there is a “World Scientific Consensus” that doesn’t exist. These biotech shills are the same pharma goons and charlatans that promote every vaccine and flu shot as “100% safe and effective,” even though the vaccine industry has paid out over $3.5 billion to parents whose children have been maimed by toxic immunizations. Now you’re asking, what does this have to do with food?

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.3533713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3726 >>3732





State of play….WW

(I've sauced where I can. I'm just putting it all together so this is a working doc, trying to update to reality in real time let me know what you think)


Cabal belief is (((they))) MUST maintain the flow of children, blood and death. This is the source of their power & Human trafficking is their vehicle! Cutting off their supply WW is causing them to expose themselves.


The balancing act:


Trump & MbS are so much more than you can imagine. The cabal are trying to fight back by taking out MbS because he's such a huge threat as he's waking the MUSLIM WORLD to the cabal and (((their))) fuckery. The cabal is trying to fight back by re-establishing elsewhere, north Africa, central America and by pushing the Khashoggi FF. It appears the beast is on the run and nuke war is what it desperately needs to hide it's crimes. SA Elites need MbS out of the way for more than just these reasons.


Then comes the push to replace MbS via secret meetings held by the old guard (cabal) in SA. Are we to believe that MbS is stupid enough to kill this guy and leave such an obvious evidence trail?


I'm CERTAIN the cabal is failing WW here's why:


After Russia and Syria cornered the Turkish controlled branch of the cabal in Idlib it was almost check mate for the Turks but the EU stepped in to help by making all kinds of threats towards Russia, Syria and Iran and roping Trump into supporting the claims. (Assad chem weapons on own people, air strikes in Idlib etc) in turn threatening airstrikes on Syria by way of setting up an obvious FF. As a result and to avoid a larger conflict Russia backs off fighting in Idlib and forces Turkey to agree to terms for temp ceasefire, Russia has the goods on Erdogan and his family connections to the cabal (Turkey Shouldn't have shot down the Russian plane in 2015). Almost immediately there are breeches of the terms with rocket fire from terrorists/Turk proxy and later Turkey claiming to have removed heavy weapons only for these weapons to be used a day later from where Turkey said they collected them from; all by the terrorists who said they would fight on. Turkey has exhausted its options and Russia is boxing them in even further. .


For the last few years Israel was randomly bombing Syria and was not only stealing Syrian oil but is suspected to be moving children also via the Golan Heights. After Israel takes out a Russia plane with 15 onboard in Syria. Russia cuts off (((their))) sneak attacks in Syria with the S-300 deployment. Almost immediately Israel started to manufacture a reason to bomb Palestine's residential areas, which they just did. But this isn't enough so they are now saying they will destroy the S-300 in Syria, it's now showing how desperate they've become. Also shows they would have no chance against the S-500 which is deployed in Russia as they are unsure they can take out the S-300 albeit with a system that is equipped with next gen surveillance capability and extended range.


Keep fighting! 2018 will be GLORIOUS.





Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:30 p.m. No.3533745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3758 >>3764

Salvini Celebrates as Libyan Coast Now Free of NGO Ships


Populist Italian Interior minister Matteo Salvini has expressed joy following reports that there are currently no migrant transport NGOs operating off the Libyan coast.


Throughout 2016 and 2017, several migrant transport NGOs operated in the Search and Rescue (SAR) zone off the coast of Libya to pick up migrants who were then brought back to Italy. Following Interior Minister Salvini’s decree to stop port access to the NGO vessels, all migrant transport activity in the area has now come to a halt, Il Giornale reports.


Minister Salvini celebrated the news saying: “Thanks to our actions no NGO ships are in front of Libya, so the smugglers have finished doing their dirty work.”


“The results: 110,000 landed last year until October, landings this year stopped at 21,000. And to think that according to the Democratic Party the ‘migrations’ were ‘inevitable processes, we can not do anything,'” Salvini added.


Since mid-2017, the migrant transport NGOs faced increased pressure from the Italian government as prosecutors brought up allegations of cooperation with people smugglers and some even referred to the NGOs as “taxis” for migrants wanting to get to Europe.


As a result, the former government investigated several of the NGOs and released a code of conduct which some of the groups rejected and ended their operations.


One of the most active NGOs involved in the migrant transport operations was the France-based SOS Méditerranée which operated the ship Aquarius, only recently having been active in the area.


The Aquarius had to end operations in the SAR zone after Gibraltar removed permission for the vessel to fly their flag in August, forcing the NGO to briefly halt operations until they were able to convince Panama to allow them to fly their flag instead.


Only a month later, the NGO was once again stripped of the flag for the vessel, accusing the Italians of pressuring the Panamanian government to withdraw their permission to fly it.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:36 p.m. No.3533812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3839 >>3880 >>3887 >>4020 >>4237

Virginia Man Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for Producing Images of Himself Sexually Abusing a Child

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.3533827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3834 >>3836 >>3858

ICE "Most Wanted" fugitive, child predator captured in Louisiana


NEW ORLEANS — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) deportation officers arrested one of ERO’s Most Wanted fugitives Wednesday during a targeted operation in Central Louisiana that resulted in the capture of a convicted child sex offender who is now facing additional felony charges.


Jose Melchor Martinez AKA Jose Luis Martinez-Sanchez, an unlawfully present Mexican national, was arrested Wednesday morning by an ERO New Orleans Special Response Team after executing a federal arrest warrant at a residence in Church Point, Louisiana.


Martinez was convicted on a felony charge of taking indecent liberties with a child in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in November 2002. After his release from criminal custody, ICE subsequently removed him from the U.S. to Mexico in September 2003.


Martinez illegally re-entered the U.S. after removal, which is a felony act under federal law. Martinez was then encountered by local law enforcement in Acadia Parish who arrested him for DUI. Martinez was convicted of DUI April 30 and sentenced to probation.


ERO subsequently began efforts to locate Martinez after learning of his return to the U.S., which culminated in the agency obtaining a federal arrest warrant in the Western District of Louisiana for illegal re-entry of a previously removed felon.


After completion of ICE processing Wednesday, Martinez was turned over to the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service where he remains in custody pending his federal felony prosecution in the Western District of Louisiana.

“This case is an excellent example of ICE’s ongoing focus to prioritize its enforcement efforts toward unlawfully present foreign nationals who pose the greatest threat to public safety,” said ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations New Orleans Acting Field Office Director Trey Lund. “Despite attempts by some to confuse the public, ICE does not conduct random or indiscriminate enforcement and the agency’s targeted enforcement efforts make communities safer for all persons, whatever their immigration status may be, by removing dangerous criminals from the streets.”


Nationally, approximately 90 percent of all persons arrested by ICE during the first three quarters of fiscal year 2018 either had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, or were already subject to a removal order issued by a federal immigration judge.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3533896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3914

It May Be Time for Democrats to Stage an Intervention with Hillary Clinton


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stepped back into the mainstream after her failed Presidential bid in 2016 which has many Democrats nervous for the upcoming midterm elections only a few weeks away.


In a recent op-ed by Michelle Cottle, a member of the editorial board of the New York Times, she writes, “Hillary Clinton has been on a bit of a media tear the past few weeks, holding forth on both the personal and the political — and making clear that someone needs to perform an intervention before she further complicates life for her fellow Democrats.”


Her column focuses on Clinton’s many recent media appearances in which she constantly stirs the pot causing unnecessary drama for the Democratic Party. Clinton was recently interviewed by CNN in which she said, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.” This divisive language is exactly the reason why she lost the 2016 election, by losing the independent vote. Independent voters want solutions and results not political bickering and mob rule.


The more Clinton does her media appearances, it seems the more energized the GOP base becomes. Michelle Cottle explains: “The ultimate boogeyman to be invoked whenever a Republican politician is having trouble exciting his constituents, or when a Supreme Court hopeful needs to shore up his endangered nomination.”


As we get closer to election day her media appearances may subside, possibly from a Democrat intervention, but it’s certain that Republicans will use her appearances for their political advantage.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.3533930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nasrallah: Saudi Arabia Is Losing Support, Must Halt War on Yemen


On October 19, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah called on Saudi Arabia to make a “brave” decision and put an end to the war in Yemen and warned the Kingdom’s leadership that the international support for them was shaken by the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


“The leaders of Saudi Arabia should know that the international cover for their war on Yemen has begun to collapse, especially after this incident … Today the kingdom’s image worldwide is the worst in its history,” Nasrallah said during a televised speech.


Nasrallah went on to say that Saudi Arabia had suffered from large loses on ever lever as a result of its intervention in Yemen despite that it had international support. The Lebanese leader also predicted that the Saudi leadership will witness its end soon if it continues with its “stubborn” policies.


The disappearance of Khashoggi, who was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2, have led to unprecedented international pressure on Saudi Arabia and its leadership. However, Hezbollah and its allies, Iran and Syria, have chosen to not comment on the issue, according to Nasrallah.


If the war in Yemen ends, this would for sure improve Saudi Arabia image and would allow to solve the humanitarian crisis in the war-torn country. However, this is unlikely any time soon. The US and the Saudi-led coalition use Yemen as a battleground in their proxy-war against Iran. Furthermore, Riyadh sees the establishment of a loyal government in Sanaa as a key point in its national security strategy.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.3533955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3981 >>4020 >>4237

DOJ Charges Russian Woman With Interference in Midterm Elections… She’s Not Even in U.S. Custody


Here we go again!


The Justice Department indicted a Russian woman for meddling in the 2018 midterms–and she’s not even in U.S. custody.


Another Russian who won’t see the inside of a courtroom…


The DOJ charged Elena Khusyaynova, 44, a St. Petersburg, Russia-based accountant with conspiracy to defraud the U.S. in a criminal complaint released Friday.


Politico reported:


Elena Khusyaynova, 44, a St. Petersburg, Russia-based accountant, was charged in a criminal complaint with conspiracy to defraud the United States for taking part in a scheme to spend in excess of $10 million since the beginning of the year on targeted social media ads and web postings intended “to sow division and discord in the U.S. political system.”


Khusyaynova, who is not in U.S. custody, allegedly works for a Russia-based firm that special counsel Robert Mueller’s office indicted in February for alleged interference in the 2016 election.


The DOJ is making up more criminal charges…gotta keep “Russia” in the headlines.

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3534113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4237



President al-Assad: Syria continues work with all those who have real will to eliminate terrorism and restore stability to it

President Bashar al-Assad received on Friday Russian President’s Special Envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Verchinen and the accompanying delegation. The meeting also dealt with the issue of the return of the Syrians, who were forced by the circumstances of the war to leave their country, where President Assad stressed that the return of the Syrians to their home is a fundamental objective and is a priority for the work of the Syrian government that continues to work to secure all necessary measures for their return.


Ankara Says Turkish-Russian-German-French Summit On Syria Will Take Place In Istanbul On October 27

The summit will aim to address the Syrian conflict with all its aspects, focusing on the situation on the ground, the Idlib agreement and the political process, and to harmonize joint efforts for finding a lasting solution to the conflict,” Kalin said in a statement, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.


Turkey Has Not Yet Implemented Agreements On Idlib: Putin

“No, they haven’t implemented [them] as of yet, but they are working on this,” Putin said when asked whether Turkey had met its part of engagements. “We see that they are working. Things are not that easy, on the contrary, everything is difficult,” the president said.

“But they are carrying out their obligations, and this demilitarized zone, which we agreed to set up, the 15 to 20-kilometer deep Idlib de-escalation zone, is being created,” the president added.


Russian specialists re-equipping S-300 systems delivered to Syria for local operation

According to a military source, the work largely relates to "replacing Russian codes and letter frequencies of the ground interrogator and the letter frequencies of the radar for Syrian versions" "In October, three battalions of S-300PM systems and their ammunition load were delivered to Syria. Later, a regimental command post was brought to the country. All the hardware makes part of the S-300PM equipment set, except for the reconnaissance and air target detection radar of the regiment’s command post, which is part of the S-300PM-2," the source said. "Technical specialists of Russian defense enterprises who arrived after that started work to re-equip S-300PM into S-300-PMU-2 systems," the source said.


Syria participates in meeting of Joint Italian Arab Chamber

Qattan said that the Syrian Chambers of Commerce Federation looks forward to developing cooperation with other countries, stressing the importance of cooperating with the JIACC, particularly in light of the economic and investment activity currently witnessed in Syria.

He noted that despite all circumstances, Syrian products have competitive costs, quality, and diversity.


Syria: One Year Since the Battle for Raqqa and the US and UK Refuse to Accept Responsibility for Civilian Deaths

One year after the battle ended, the obstacles to justice are still insurmountably high for victims and their families. It is completely reprehensible that the Coalition refuses to acknowledge its role in most of the civilian casualties it caused, and abhorrent that even where it has admitted responsibility, it accepts no obligation towards its victims.”


Sabbagh: Lawyers must take legal actions against terrorists and their supporters

He pointed out to the key role of the bar associations and the men of law in carrying their responsibilities to punish those who shed the Syrian blood and take legal action against the terrorist and their supporters.


Syrian War Report – October 19, 2018


Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.3534138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

VIDEO: Dem Candidate Elissa Slotkin FLEES From Journalist When Asked About Her Role in Disastrous Iran Nuke Deal


Rep. Mike Bishop (R-MI) is a conservative Republican running for reelection in Michigan’s 8th District. The district includes all of Ingham County, Livingston County, and north Oakland County.

Mike is a proven conservative, a huge Trump supporter and an all around great guy.


Mike Bishop is also a top target for the Pelosi Democrats this year.

Democrats are running far left Obama officials Elissa Slotkin in the Michigan district even though her real home is in Washington DC.


Now this…

On Thursday night during a campaign stop Elissa Slotkin was confronted by a journalist with 100% Fed Up about her role in the Obama Iran deal that resulted in billions of US dollars being spent by the rogue regime to support terror.

Slotkin fled the room!

Anonymous ID: 56c7c6 Oct. 19, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.3534282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4290

Nine-year-old sells out of Girl Guide cookies in front of cannabis store on first day


On Wednesday, it took a 9-year-old Canadian girl less than 45 minutes to sell every box of Girl Guide cookies she had to customers lining up outside a marijuana dispensary in Edmonton, according to Global News.