Anonymous ID: d02128 Oct. 19, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.3533894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3970

Just read this - the Greenbaum Lecture transcript (DC Hammond) - after watching this -Cathy Obrien on yt last night.


Found several Q themes, but noted in the GB Lecture the idea of bloodlines being families where both parents come from a history of deliberate ritual abuse.


Q says to follow the wives. When we've dug on this have we found any evidence of the wives being in the bloodlines of ritual abuse?


LdR gets on here sporadically during night shift as does some weirdo claiming to be a cabalist spiritual pooba (an alien of some kind according to them) and they both speak about the "greatest bloodlines". Families of ritual abuse going back uninterrupted deep into history?


Not sure what point I'm trying to make except there appears to be some organized army of completely arrogant and evil SOBs maximally screwing innocent kids up in order to make them robots of evil (mass murder school shooters anyone?).


The friggin carp twists your brain into shapes you never imagined when thinking about it. Must be what Q meant when saying the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.


This really is not a game going on.