Go to 1:40.
When the fence breaks they chant "Si Se Puede." Why am I the only person who is quite clear who the community organizer of all this is?
Go to 1:40.
When the fence breaks they chant "Si Se Puede." Why am I the only person who is quite clear who the community organizer of all this is?
Obama's well funded civilian army is here. At the Mexican border.
I do not take this as an act of war from Central America. It is an act of war from the far left in this country. I know who did this in Central America in the seventies. It was the communists.
No, that is utterly ridiculous. I was there then. I remember. The communists hate the Catholic church. They were killing priests and raping nuns. Do not be foolish. They are killing priests now in Mexico.
The pope is not a communist. The Vatican does not hate the US. Utter nonsense all of that.
The communists hate the Catholic Church.
That is utterly absurd. Anyway, you are too ignorant of history to waste time on.
Stop tempting me to call you names.
This is a very scary moment for me. There are communists is this country just waiting for their moment. And these will be their soldiers.
Turn off Mike Savage. He creates retards. He has no idea how HUD works or what the programs are.
And what part of "I do not want to waste my time on someone that ignorant of history" did you not understand?
Most people have no idea how those programs work. They have always been able to use a housing choice voucher in any neighborhood. Nothing new. The only thing Obama did was try to get people out of housing projects, which are not section 8, so he could sell the prime property to his rich friends. Obama was a rich man's president.
Exactly. Some housing projects are on land that could be converted in pricy and extremely desireable condo properties. Many housing projects were built near the shore for those who worked at the ports.
All of that is misinformation. It had nothing to do with twinkies. It was because of Leo Ryan.