Anonymous ID: eb895f Oct. 19, 2018, 4:06 p.m. No.3535911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6129

Alwaleed Warren Buffet> Hussein > plan to take out Trump?


Remember when Hussein went on a trip to Hawaii after his presidency in early 2017( March).


He flew from DC to NYC to Omaha, where he had lunch with Warren Buffet and his daughter, Susie, for a several hours. He then went to Silicon Valley to meet with executives before heading out to Hawaii.


If you look at all the forces that have been against Trump since he became president, it is clear that Hussein was participating in Alwaleed’s plan to take out Trump as soon as he left office.


Prince Alwaleed, owner of Citigroup and twitter, has also been exchanging love letters with Buffet for years.


It appears that Hussein was participating in Alwaleed’s plan to take out Trump as soon as he left office.

Anonymous ID: eb895f Oct. 19, 2018, 4:11 p.m. No.3535940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5950 >>5976 >>6226 >>6471 >>6664


Tying Khashoggi into Hillary Clinton and Deep State trying to protect exposure of 9/11 truth because the saudis who supported her were the ones behind it. Here is the summary

  1. The Saudis don’t murder journalist, even ones that dissent.

Evidence such as Dr. Kassab Al-Otaibi, a former Saudi opposition figure exiled for 20 years, who said that he had never been subjected to any threats during the years when he was outside the Kingdom and stated: “I was neither imprisoned nor faced any travel ban after my return to the Kingdom. I am now absolutely enjoying freedom within the Kingdom”.



  1. Jamal Khashoggi a loyal subject of the Saudi monarchy. He was a member of the Kingdom’s super-elite and a high-level operative for the Saudi intelligence service, an intimate of Osama bin Laden, and the nephew of the shadiest of all Arab arms dealers, the infamous Adnan Khashoggi.


  1. In the fateful year of 2001, when the United States was attacked by 17 Saudi terrorists, who leveled the World Trade Center towers and attacked the Pentagon killing over 3,000 American citizens, this report notes, Khashoggi was second in command to Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al Faisal , who without any explanation, resigned and afterwards becoming a close associate with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


  1. On 15 February 2016, this report says it’s critical to note, Donald Trump, while a Republican Party candidate for US president, vowed before a stunned campaign rally in South Carolina that if he was elected, “You will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center”—and in moving to keep this promise, on 20 May 2017, made his first foreign visit to Saudi Arabia where he unmistakably showed the Saudis who was now in control of America—and that the Saudis rapidly responded to by declaring, on 21 June 2017, that Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman was now the defacto leader of their monarchy.


  1. On 24 October 2017, this report continues, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman made his first attack against all of the Saudi royals aligned with Prince Turki al Faisal, and believed to have been complicit in the 9/11 attack on America—that was preceded by Prince Turki al Faisal openly slamming President Trump for threatening to pull out of the Iran deal made with President Obama—thus causing Jamal Khashoggi to flee from the Kingdom to the United States where the “Deep State” aligned Washington Post than gave him protection—most particularly because he had headed the Saudi media empire controlled by former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al Faisal.



  1. After fleeing the kingdom, the “Deep State- aligned Washington Post hired Jamal Khashoggi to protect him. They quickly sent him to Turkey so as not to endanger their main business of secretly publishing articles by undisclosed Saudi lobbyists and other regime propagandists.

HOWEVER, by sending him to Turkey,—either unwittingly or deliberately—they set Khashoggi up by placing him directly within the reach of both Hillary Clinton and Prince Turki al Faisal.


  1. At the center of this attack against both President Trump and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, is former Obama national security advisor and US Marine Corp General James L. Jones—who was given a contract by Prince Turki al Faisal to work with Saudi intelligence, and worked directly for, General Ahmed al-Assiri, is now under investigation for have masterminded whatever happened to Khashoggi.


  1. Saudi Arabia has already recalled and detained the Consul General of Saudi Arabia to Turkey Mohammad al-Otaibi in order to assess his part in this plot. His fellow traveler and believed plotter, a Saudi air force officer Meshal Saad al-Bostani was reportededly to have been killed in an auto crash.



9 This report concludes, most perplexing to MoD intelligence analysts is to why the West has even been listening to terrorist supporting Prince Turki a Faisal at all—or are even lamenting the supposed death of his, likewise, terrorist loving top aide and protégé Jamal Khashoggi—both of whom, in normal times, would be publically executed for their crimes against humanity for being Hillary Clinton pawns—and whom both President Trump and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman are working against to stop before she can do even more damage in our world.

Anonymous ID: eb895f Oct. 19, 2018, 4:29 p.m. No.3536137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6154


This is from a video aired in October, 2008.


Q said to find him in the Hussein Admn in a foreign State post with different name and that he wouLd have NO FACIAL HAIR.



Anonymous ID: eb895f Oct. 19, 2018, 4:43 p.m. No.3536322   🗄️.is 🔗kun
