Anonymous ID: c8506b Oct. 19, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3538433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8449 >>8457 >>8473 >>8475 >>8482 >>8496 >>8497 >>8500 >>8507 >>8509 >>8515 >>8518 >>8524 >>8530 >>8534 >>8538 >>8543 >>8571 >>8580 >>8587 >>8590 >>8620 >>8627 >>8630 >>8672 >>8712 >>8749 >>8777 >>8784 >>8797 >>8800 >>8823 >>8831 >>8848 >>8851 >>8852 >>8885 >>8917 >>8956 >>8986 >>8999 >>9015

Anons. We lost our big guy last night. I often post pics of him here. A seizure. He was a big gentle giant, a Saint Bernard. 210lbs. He was 7. Still can't believe he's gone. Was with me through all. God Bless you my precious big boy. Can't stop crying. A big beautful loving Dog. RIP my Sweetheart. Love you so much. He watched Trump debates with me. lol.