Anonymous ID: a2d9be Oct. 19, 2018, 8:59 p.m. No.3539556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9583 >>9658

Zionists, Khashoggi, 9/11 Cover-Up, Extortion, UPDATE 6: Saudi Coup? Trump Now Safe to Ascribe Atrocity to Bandar & Turki


UPDATE 6 is our best update so far — Saudi internal coup attempt, President Trump is now free to place this in context, USA has gotten $100M and will get more for being patient and understanding. Order up the 9/11 Truth events to bury the Zionists and we begin a new era in which both Saudi Arabia and Israel are no longer allowed to wage war and genocide Yemen, Syria, and Palestine at US taxpayer expense.


Both King Salman and MBS are reported to have been executed back in April, and two pretenders have been leading Saudi Arabia with the probable complicity of the US and Israel. Russians and Iranians may be about to release what they know. There do not appear to be recent pictures — the ones I am seeing are recycled from 2017.


Mike Pompeo could be playing a role. I believe that Senator Lindsey “Born Again” Graham’s call for the end of MBS — not normal at all — is a sign that both Pompeo and Lindsey know MBS is dead and are going through the motions.


I do not have any more information but speculate that this was a Zionist-assisted coup and that the Zionists may have set the Khashoggi killing up to help the US loot the Saudi wealth now on deposit in the USA and score some major points with President Trump to stave off denuclearization. I have no direct knowledge. If I had to guess I would speculate that CIA and the Zionists used “talking rocks” and other channels to lead the existing Saudi leadership to go nuts and issue a fatwa on Khashoggi. The ultimate end: to take a one trillion dollar cut from the Saudi wealth now in trust with the USA, and castrate the illegitimate Saudi leaders going into the mid-terms. See UPDATE 4 for the new alternative: Khashoggi is alive (or buried in Israel or Turkey) and this entire matter is a joint Zionist-Turkish takedown of the existing Saudi leadership.


A former White House and intelligence official has come in with the following that we offer verbatim:


The Kashoggi matter was an op (one way or another) set up by the Zionists on behalf of the Satanic Pedophile Ruling Cabal to create a spanking for the Saudis for their secret agreement to sell crude oil to the Chinese and accept Renminbis instead of the US Dollar.


If I remember the date correctly, it was in 1971 while working for President Nixon, Heinz Kissinger negotiated the US Petro Dollar Agreement that the might of the US Military would be used to protect the Saudis and any OPEC member IF they agreed to only accept the US Dollar as payments for their crude. Part of the sub-agreement with the Saudis was that they would make most military equipment and arms purchases from the USA.


The Saudis broke this rule and the Ruling Cabal is going to spank them because this breaks Goldman Sachs and other intermediary control mechanisms — the Cabal loses control of oil manipulation. Plus there was an article in the Saudi press when the 28 page classified section of the Saudis was being promoted by certain members of Congress implying that the Saudis did 9-11-01 that if this was released as an attempt to blame the Saudis for 9-11-01, they would tell the truth the Israel ran the op. This story allegedly came directly from the old King himself not his son the Crown Prince.

Anonymous ID: a2d9be Oct. 19, 2018, 9:01 p.m. No.3539583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704





The King is dead, long live the King. Saudi Arabia is an advanced version of the Congo — the Cabal has let them get obscenely wealthy (and obscenely peverse) as a condition of underlying control by the Cabal and its Zionist underbelly. 9/11, although supported by George Tenet, Buzzy Krongard, John Brennan and the CIA elements willing to pay any price for eternal war, and the Saudi leadership, was absolutely planned and executed by the Zionists with the complicity of the Governors of New York and New Jersey, the Mayor of New York City, and with the active encouragement and orchestration of George H. W. Bush as President and Dick Cheney as Secretary of Defense and then later virtual President — both Dan Quayle and George Walker Bush were virtual dolts and placeholders. I agree with Peter Dale Scott who says that Dick Cheney converted the super-secret Continuity of Government (COG) program into his Shadow Government command and control platform, and I agree with most of what David Ray Griffin, Richard Gage, and others have written. I particularly draw the public’s attention (our President already knows this) to Tom-Scott Gordon’s memorandum below: 9/11 was commercial insurance fraud planned from 1989, and converted into a false flag event in 2001 — over a decade of criminal planning — at the suggestion of the Zionists and their US sayonim by Bush Senior and Cheney — with the active complicity of two Governors and one Mayor — as a pretext for creating a police state at home and eternal war abroad.

Anonymous ID: a2d9be Oct. 19, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.3539638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9657 >>9684

Jamal Khashoggi: Where The Road to Damascus & The Path to 9/11 Converge


Road to Damascus Conversion: Derived from the Biblical story of Paul, the term “Damascus road conversion” is commonly used to refer to an abrupt about-face on a serious issue of religion, politics or philosophy. In this type of change, a single, dramatic event causes a person to become aligned with something he or she previously was against or support a position that he or she previously opposed.


As a 9/11 widow who has spent the last 17 years fighting for accountability with regard to the 9/11 attacks that killed my husband and 3,000 others, I find the recent uproar over Jamal Khashoggi’s disappearance and alleged murder interesting and out of character for many of those decrying his disappearance and demanding an investigation and accountability.


Frankly, 9/11 Family members keep a running list of all those in Washington who have proved by their past actions to be against U.S. victims of terrorism and in support of nations like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a nation with a long history of supporting global Wahhabist terrorism. As victims of terrorism, we are ever vigilant and watchful about all those named on our lists. We follow these folks actions, their speeches, their legislation, because we know that they are never looking out for our best interests as U.S. victims of terrorism. As a group, our institutional memory is broad and long. And we never forget.


That’s why we all happened to notice the uncharacteristic behavior of so many of those on our lists with the advent of Jamal Khasoggi’s disappearance. And it made us wonder why so many people, who had previously always blindly supported the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were now so vociferously jumping Saudi ship.


What had caused this Road to Damascus conversion?


Take for example those who fought against the release of The 28 Pages of the Joint Inquiry of Congress(JICI) that detailed the Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks for fear that The 28 Pages public release might harm the Saudi’s reputation and its very special relationship with the United States. A relationship, in large part, based on oil, weapons, money, and shared intelligence operations—things that have little to do with keeping American citizens safe.


Regarding The 28 Pages, CIA Director, John Brennan once said, “releasing a classified section of the congressional investigation into the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States would be a mistake. A reason to keep them under wraps is they contain “unvetted information” that some could use to unfairly implicate Saudi Arabia in the terror attacks.”


Yet, now when faced with the comparatively less significant disappearance and murder of only one man, Khashoggi (not the thousands on 9/11, the hundreds from Khobar and the Embassy bombings or the 17 U.S. sailors from the Cole), based on far less substantiated and convincing evidence from newspapers(rather than a several hundred page bi-partisan, bi-cameral Congressional Investigation’s Final Report), John Brennan is suddenly moved to hold the Saudis accountable.



Anonymous ID: a2d9be Oct. 19, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.3539675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9680

9/11: Zionism’s Great Feeding Frenzy – The Parasite Eats Its Host


The Host & The Parasite––How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America is a meticulously researched chronicle of the U.S.’s tragic slide from an independent republic into a client state of Israel – a shiksa in the vernacular you know so well.


This degeneration occurred over the last 50 years in full view of the American public and with the active complicity of American lawmakers.


The Zionization of America, a period of progressive subservience to Israel, began when President Harry Truman took a $2 million bribe to support the “creation” of the state of Israel so he could appeal to Jewish voters during the 1948 election, which he was expected to lose heavily. From this act, the Israel Lobby got its hooks into the U.S. government and made it complicit in the illegal Zionist occupation of Palestine and the murder as well as the dispossession of its native inhabitants.


Subsequent stages of Zionization would see the U.S. increasingly provide political and diplomatic cover for Israeli atrocities and even commit unprovoked aggression for Israel in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria contrary to the national interest and U.S. law.


There is no rational explanation for the U.S. government acting against its own national interest unless one recognizes that the Israel Lobby effectively controls the U.S. and has forced its leaders to betray themselves to serve a foreign interest.


The most heinous instance was U.S. acquiescence in the pre-meditated Israeli attack on the USS Liberty The Johnson administration as well as every other president since has protected Israel by classifying the attack as an accident and threatening survivors with prison and loss of pension if they speak out.

Anonymous ID: a2d9be Oct. 19, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3539704   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Mr. President, I believe the Zionists, with help from rogue elements of CIA and NSA, deceived the existing Saudi leadership — the King and MBS having been killed in April — into believing that Khashoggi was the mastermind or key node for a plot against the Kingdom so heineous that extraordinary measures were required. They probably also fabricated assurances that the USA would turn a blind eye (this is pretty much how we treated General Manuel Noriega, the CIA promised him they had his back but were not able to deliver on that promise when Florida politics impacted on national politics and Bush was forced to betray an ally). EDIT of 20181019: See UPDATE 5 below — there is growing evidence this was intended to be the catalyst — a covert media influence operation — intended to displace MBS and restore Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud and his corrupt cronies to power. MBS, unlike Bandar, is not part of the Deep State and Bush Crime Family inner circle.


The ALTERNATIVE explanation is that Khashoggi is safe in Israel (or dead and buried in Israel or Turkey — we cannot overlook the possibility of Turkish complicity), this was a false flag operation by Zionist Israel intended to frame the Saudis. I note that Ambassador Robert Jordan dismissed the Saudi’s king report to him years ago that the Zionists did 9/11 — Ambassador Jordan cannot be trusted and his ties to the Zionists should be investigated. Similarly, Joe Biden and the Democrats appear to see this as a change to harm you, Mr. President, specifically and immediately. Joe Biden’s communications with Zionist agents should be investigated immediately. Nothing, however, will defeat your decisive investigation and accounting to the public. Please do not get rolled!