Anonymous ID: e93567 Oct. 19, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.3539763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9776

Anyone else get the feeling that the Khashoggi story may have happened LAST YEAR? I know its sounds strange, but I think we are about to see the timelines of the Q drops from 2017 intertwine with news events of 2018.


We will get the drops for story 2 as the normies watch story 1 unfold in real time on television. They find out and can read along with the script as it happens (if they chose to do so, right?)


The first drop of story one is a foreshadow of the opening act of story 2. Where that leads us is anyones guess. Q explicitly stated that full disclosure is the goal of this operation, so I expect it to be very interesting.


The first drop is Q making a correction to an Anon about Hillary Clinton being arrested or detained.


There is a delta of 1:1:1 between the Anon and Q


1:1:1 meaning we are all at a singular place, at the same time.


This is the reality quotient of a three dimensional space.


Oct 28, things get real. It's already written.