Anonymous ID: cac25c Oct. 20, 2018, 3:48 a.m. No.3541727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1756 >>1764


You really need to go back and read the crumbs again with the perspective of the midterms either being the finale of movie 1, or the opening scene of movie 2.


Use logic and read the crumbs. It's clear as can be what is going on and why the declass comes later.


Dems have been rigging the votes for a long time.

Trump has them caught in a catch 22.

There is no way in hell they take the house unless they rig the midterms.

They can not afford to lose the midterms, it gives Trump a referendum of his agenda. The entire agenda, everything.

They must rig the midterms or they are finished.


Trump gave them the ball, it's their choice of how they want to end this. They can rig the vote and destroy themselves, or they can accept their fate from a declass FISA. Either way they are done.


You and I get a front row seat. Grab the popcorn.