Anonymous ID: d0de57 Oct. 20, 2018, 2:02 a.m. No.3541485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1525

I love ICE and DEA and congratulate them on the huge ILLEGAL synthetic fentanyl busts that will save millions of lives…


But The War On Chronic Pain Sufferers Has To Stop!!!


#1. We know it's the Obama Adm. who started this by going after Physicians here in the US instead of actual Drug Dealers, smugglers and manufacturers of ILLEGAL Drugs in the USA, M13, Mexico and China.


#2. The Obama Administration also changed the scheduling of Opioids that patients have taken responsively for decades.


Decades earlier chronic pain patients were suffering and committing suicides to end the pain, which went ignored for decades. Why haven't these low level opioids (non-Oxycotin) changed back to previous scheduled classes?


#3. Chronic Pain Patients are now treated like drug addicts…having the only meds that helped them reduced to below half of what they normally took or taken off completely because physicians were and still are the target of DEA, states, gov. in DC….And the media still is producing fabricated hype!


#4. The majority of overdoses are not Physician Prescribed Opioids…or by the majority of chronic pain patients. These over dozes are drug mixing alcohol, heroin, illegally smuggled in opioids or those stolen and sold cheaper on the streets.


#5. Yes, Oxycotin is part of the problem and it's fraudulent marketing by it's maker & Big Pharma. Yet all chronic pain patients taking NON-OXYCOTIN opioids for decades are made to suffer…if they haven't overdosed on these in 30 years…why would they now? This is asisine! Doesn't someone in DC have a brain to figure this out? How many chronic pain patients will die of other illnesses, because they are afraid to mention any additional pain to their physicians, in fear.


#6. The Democrats basically created the Opioid crisis for about 5 reasons…


~~End or drastically cut the supply of legal opioids prescribed by their doctors to create a HUGE DEMAND for Big Pharma's Brand or other Corps.'s. Brands of POT.


Creating Billions for Big Pharma, corporations, investors, states and Federal and MORE TAX REVENUE!!!!


~~Reduce Middle class whites (most recreational use and those seeking illegal opioids.


~~A desensitized complacent conforming drug dependent un-informed Voting block. Slaves to the State. Programmed Sheep.


~~Tax legal Opioids (yes, the Democrats and some other Politicians wanted to tax our legal pain meds as if suffering before wasn't enough & democrat arm fake media pushed it all 24/7).


~~To divide and aid in the destruction of our Constitution, Bill of Rights for Cabal NWO Communist Rule (Democrat Playbook Fabricate or Create Crisis, Ostracize and make pariahs out of law responsible abiding citizens who pay the ultimate price of their laws.


Go after the Illegal Opioids brought in by China, Mexico, M13! Their Manufacturers, smugglers and dealers.


Go after the fraudulent marketers of Oxycotin, Purdue and other Big Pharma Malpractices.


Go after those who steal RX opioids and sell them on the streets.


But Call Off The Nanny State Medicine…The RX Pill Police that are ruining chronic pain patients' and their Physicians' lives.


We Don't want Big Pharma's Brand of POT that they want to peddle for Billions…or their bought & pimped politicians.


We don't want Oxycotin or even are prescribed it.


We just want our pains meds that we have been taking responsively for decades and the only thing that has worked for us!



Leave our Physicians alone! Why would anyone want to go through all those years of Med School to have their hands tied and computers dictate the ridiculous limitations they have are forced to comply to.


This is completely ASININE why we and our physicians are suffering…because we are law abiding and responsible! We are not to blame.


How can you call this Healthcare?


When you give law abiding chronic pain patients only 2 choices?


Suicide or buy illegal drugs from street dealers?



We are Anons,


We are Trump Supporters & Love Him


We have supported Trump Before He even declared to run


We are Patriots…Deplorables…and We ARE SUFFERING!


We Are Suffering Needlessly & the it will end badly….This is not modern Medicine, we're going backwards to the late 60's & 70s and repeating it. And it will have the same result as then, and worse.


End The Pain…herbal and pot do absolutely nothing for most Chronic Pain patients!


This is not Freedom…but Socialized Medicine & Police State.

Anonymous ID: d0de57 Oct. 20, 2018, 3:18 a.m. No.3541653   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank You! It's a Chronic Pain Patients Suffering Epidemic! And it's completely asinine, ridiculous and lacks all common sense!


Thanks again! I'll keep yelling about it until we are heard!