If there's been confusion about what we are fighting right now it should be obvious to many here as to what that is after the last few hours/days. Take away the politics, the people, the media, and ideologies. We are left with a choice. Fight for LIGHT or fight for DARK.
Whatever your faith is I can without any uncertainty tell you that PURE EVIL is no longer hiding in the subtleties of life and man. We are being directly attacked. You may have already felt it or seen it in its many forms. It is being asked to attack us that much I can say, but we are together and represent a great good in this world. It hates that. Its not just about schills and clowns, but what they represent, the energy they bring here. Our lives, the people we know, and the very things we do are being attacked right now on a spiritual level like never before. They are praying for us to die/suffer.
Q has told us to PRAY many times, and for the first time, I dont believe it is a nicety. It is for survival. Attacks will only intensify. Find your God and pray for help. Pray for those ministers and priests still fighting for LIGHT, many are still good and aren't seen that way, by design no less. I pray for all anons here and those working for the LIGHT. God Bless you all.