Anonymous ID: 80df7e Oct. 20, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.3543678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4174 >>4336

Afghans vote despite election chaos and violence


Kabul/‌Balkh (dpa) - Afghan parliamentary elections were overshadowed by organizational chaos and violence on Saturday, while officials were satisfied with voter turnout.


Independent Election Commission (IEC) officials gave out varying total turnout figures ranging from 1.5 to 4 million people across the 27 provinces where turnout had already been reported.


Reports from five other provinces are still to come in, IEC Chief Abdul Badi Sayyad said, adding that final statistics for the day will be given at a press conference later in the night. Elections in two other provinces had been postponed and weren't held Saturday.


The voting process was fraught with irregularities, including some sites remaining closed, others having no election material and still others reporting technical issues.


IEC spokeswoman Shaima Soroush told dpa that some 8 per cent of polling stations that remained closed due to technical issues would open on Sunday.


According to Thomas Ruttig, co-director and founder of Afghanistan Analysts Network (AAN), the election was chaotic, the preparation bad, biometric devices came into the process too late and the election commission did not control the process. He called it the worst election since 2004.


Sayyad acknowledged negligence by IEC staff and site managers while adding that teachers hired for the process in some provinces did not show up to the sites due to threats by the Taliban.


The Taliban had earlier warned teachers against working for the commission or allowing their schools to be used as polling stations.


The militants had also repeatedly warned voters against casting their ballot or taking part in the "evil process."


Run by its spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, the militants' Twitter channel was awash with propaganda tweets of attacks, and explosions to hamper and halt the election.


A total of 28 people, including 11 security forces, were killed in attacks and explosions across Afghanistan on Saturday, Afghan Interior Minister Wais Ahmad Barmak said on local TV station ToloNews.


At least 102 others, including 19 police, were injured in 192 security incidents across the war-torn country, Barmak said.


A suicide bombing near a polling station in Kabul left at least 15 people dead, Interior Ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi said.


At least 60 people were also injured in that incident, said Rahimi, who added that eight of the casualties were police officers.


According to Rahimi, the suicide bomber had been identified by police and blew himself up before he could get to a polling station in north Kabul.


The Afghan government has been under heavy pressure to hold the belated parliamentary elections by its Western allies and backers.


Some 8.8 million Afghans had registered for the election, according to statistics from the IEC. The number of registered voters, however, has been questioned by election experts, observers and political parties.


Voters in 32 of the 34 Afghan provinces were expected to cast ballots on Saturday.


The votes in southern Kandahar province and south-eastern Ghazni province were pushed back.


Despite the violence, people cast their ballots in hope that lawmakers voted in by them could change the course of the parliament for the better.


"I voted in hope that the upcoming parliament might be better compared to the previous one," 67-year-old Zikrullah from northern Balkh told dpa.


Zainab Mujahidzada, 22, who voted in Mazar-e Sharif, the capital of Balkh, said that some of the candidates have good plans and "I wanted to support them."



Anonymous ID: 80df7e Oct. 20, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.3543689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3702 >>3710

Italy won't back down on deficit plans despite EU pressure


Alvise Armellini Oct 20, 2018


Rome (dpa) - Italy will not tame its spending plans in response to EU criticism and a rating downgrade on its debt, deputy premier and Five Star Movement (M5S) leader Luigi Di Maio said Saturday.


"I think I can speak on behalf of the whole government when I deny any kind of reconsideration of the 2.4 [per-cent-of-GDP deficit target]," Di Maio said before a cabinet meeting in Rome.


Ministers discussed how to respond to a Thursday letter from the European Commission, in which it warned Italy against an "unprecedented" deviation from eurozone budget discipline rules.


Italy's public debt already stands at more than 130 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), one of the highest levels in the world, only second to Greece in the eurozone.


"We want to explain how and why we have designed this budget," Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said after the cabinet, promising a "constructive dialogue" with the EU, but ruling out major changes.


Italy was expected to reply to Brussels by noon [1000 GMT] on Monday.


Rome's ruling populist parties are set on raising public borrowing to fund tax, welfare and pension giveaways, and stimulate a flagging economy with extra government spending.


Such plans have led to a late Friday decision by Moody's credit ratings agency to cut the rating for Italy's sovereign debt to Baa3, one notch above junk status.


Di Maio and Conte's other deputy premier, League leader Matteo Salvini, insisted they had no desire to take Italy out of the EU or the euro, but both said the bloc's rules should change.


"We will respond to Moody's with a big smile," Di Maio said, while Salvini said the government would soldier on "despite rating agencies, European commissioners and some internal misunderstanding."… more here



Anonymous ID: 80df7e Oct. 20, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3543694   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy approves final budget draft yet vows dialogue with EU


By Nicole Winfield | AP

October 20 at 1:40 PM

ROME — Italy’s government vowed Saturday to engage in constructive talks with the European Union as it still gave final approval to a rule-busting budget and brushed off a ratings downgrade triggered by its higher-than-expected deficit targets.


Premier Giuseppe Conte said the budget plan was definitively approved by all forces at an emergency cabinet meeting Saturday that was called to respond to the EU concerns and resolve an internal government squabble.


Conte said Italy was “available for constructive dialogue” with the EU in the coming weeks.


But 5-Star Leader Luigi Di Maio and League leader Matteo Salvini indicated little room for substantive changes to the budget, with Di Maio saying: “We repeated our positions.”


The European Commission has warned Italy that its higher-than-expected budget deficit targets represent an unprecedented deviation from EU budget rules. The government has until midday Monday to respond to EU concerns….



Anonymous ID: 80df7e Oct. 20, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.3543706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy's coalition solves tax row, seeks 'dialogue' with Europe


MILAN (Reuters) - Italy’s ruling coalition patched up a row over a tax amnesty on Saturday and struck a more conciliatory tone toward EU institutions, saying it wanted to discuss its budget plans with Brussels.


The coalition included the tax amnesty in measures to fund costly electoral promises that are set to sharply lift the budget deficit to 2.4 percent of domestic output next year, flouting European Union rules that require steady progress toward a balanced budget…. more here



Anonymous ID: 80df7e Oct. 20, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.3543718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi courts will look at Khashoggi case: justice minister


CAIRO (Reuters) - The case of journalist Jamal Khashoggi took place on Saudi sovereign territory and it will be looked at by Saudi courts when all procedures are complete, Saudi Arabia’s justice minister said in a statement issued by state news agency SPA on Saturday.


Saudi Arabia said earlier that dissident Khashoggi died in a fight inside its Istanbul consulate in its first admission of his death after two weeks of denials that have shaken Western relations with the kingdom.

