Anonymous ID: b8d1bc Oct. 20, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.3543787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Her close ties to this DNA company confirms that Warren would certainly have taken a DNA test earlier about her claim, which obviously found nothing. So they concocted a way for their shill Bustamante to use other Indian-related samples to create an illusion of maybe a tiny drop of something related to Native American that Bustamante was willing to pretend meant something, while sneaking in words to disclaim it if a proper test was ever done, which is why POTUS said he wanted to do his own test. Then the fake media weavers produced a "heartwarming, Warren praising" presidential campaign style video, and pushed the fake headlines and talking points to all their media shills. With that, the NPCs were fooled into believing and posting all over social media that Warren’s claim had been vindicated.