Thank you very kindly, baker.
That woman will go anywhere for free booze
Massive crumb-filled 2017 obit for Adnan Khashoggi
"Instead, as the Saudi royal family began to plough its oil wealth into weaponry in the 1960s and 1970s, Khashoggi became the perfect “Mr Fixit”, linking his old friends in Saudi Arabia with his new friends, the American and British arms manufacturers.
One Lockheed Martin director described him as a one-man marketing department. Others whose deals he helped facilitate included the British firms Marconi and Westland Helicopters.
As his reputation spread, Khashoggi’s commission rates increased to as much as 15 per cent, on deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
And as his fortune grew and grew, the settings in which Khashoggi fixed the deals became ever more congenial.
“He went through yachts the way you or I go through cars,” said his biographer Ronald Kessler."
His yacht, Nabila, was used as the villain's yacht in the James Bond movie "Never Say Never Again".
"Khashoggi became friends with Richard Nixon in the 1960s, helping fund both his US Presidential election campaigns, at one point reportedly presenting Tricky Dicky’s daughter with a $60,000 dollar bracelet."
On board the yacht Nabila, visitors included at least one US ambassador. But the most frequent guests were as New York magazine put it, “Arab princes, Third World officials, and shadowy European and American businessmen.
“Ensconced in its suites, they used the 150 telephones and the satellite communication system to arrange arms sales and commodities trades.”
And whatever was needed to smooth the deal, the client would get.
“He would give them anything they wanted: girls, food, cash,” said Mr Kessler. “He had quite a variety of occasions on the boat. Some were very formal, some were orgies”.
One of the “girls” used in this way, Pamella Bordes, later spoke of being “part of an enormous group … used as sexual bait.”
In 1989 Vanity Fair magazine bluntly described Khashoggi as “one of the greatest whoremongers in the world.” Very few of his business associates ever complained.
And when the time came to sign the contract, the yacht could slip into international waters, where sovereign restrictions on their business deals did not apply.
And this interesting bit: Adnan Khashoggi was 5'4" tall.
Towards the end, looking back on his life, Khashoggi had insisted: “What did I do wrong? Nothing. I behaved unethically, for ethical reasons.”
Perhaps this is what his family meant when in their statement they praised “his over-riding loyalty to his country, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His work always furthered the interests of his country.”
Khashoggi himself chose to characterise his work to at least one bemused interviewer as “marketing”.
If it was marketing, it was the kind of marketing that was conducted in palaces, luxury properties and a superyacht that never went anywhere the zones of war and ‘collateral damage’ that were the ultimate destination for some of the weapons being sold.
And it was the kind of marketing that brought with it enough money to ensure that for Khashoggi “there were no laws, no skies, no limits” - to quote his friend Prince Alfonso Hohenlohe-Langenburg of Spain.
This obit gets juicier and juicier. Have a read. You may end up not caring if his asshole nephew was murdered, either.
Money is probably the #1 reason behind the Jamal assassination, with some Arab ego and Clinton cabal pressure pushing it.
The Clintons literally have no idea how to be poor at this point. Wouldn't it be great to see them drop-kicked into a 30 year old singlewide trailer way out in rural Arkansas, eating Rice a Roni while scratching at their ankle monitors and hurling hate at each other?
Add some hidden cameras, and that's some reality TV I'd watch.
Reminder that FBI Anon instructed to dig on the Greater Israel lobby and Zionists
Think of a Venn diagram. The source is the small circle inside the larger circle.
I suspect that Jamal was the inheritor of his uncle Adnan's massive web of contacts and connections.
READ CAREFULLY. This guy was very, very close to the center of the spiderweb.
I haven't gotten to the 1989 Vanity Fair profile yet. Always check it when digging high profile people. People were so vain and stupid that they told Vanity Fair reporters all sorts of shit. Back in the day, it was a huge ego boost to get a big spread in the 80's glossy magazines.
Oldfag here, have read stacks of WWII/Nazi/Operation Paperclip nonfiction
So many drug and chemical scientists came out of Paperclip, and many more who quietly started building corporations in Germany & western Europe in the 1950's, when the fire had died down.
The ones who didn't die during the war mostly lived to be old men– 1970's and beyond.
I'm convinced they're behind South America getting destabilized all to hell.
Why do you think the Left always calls US the Nazis? Projection much?