Anonymous ID: 64bd9a Oct. 20, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.3544567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4626

New from Black Pigeon Speaks

"Merkel ACCELERATES the Kalergi Plan in Europe:"

with an interesting comment under the vidya:

As a Jew, I am furious at the many Jews who support globalism / socialism / authoritarianism and the destruction of the West. Granted, it's not an exclusively Jewish idea, many of (((us))) were involved with its inception. Some background info: Much of it has to do with an inner-Jewish conflict. During the Russian pogroms of the late 1800s, over a million Jews fled East Europe. They were divided into two major groups: Zionists, many of whom moved to Israel or settled in Western Europe in preparation for settling in Israel. And the "Global People", who fiercely rejected the idea of a Jewish Nation state, and furthermore, rejected all nation states. The "Global people" mostly moved to the USA, where they attempted to establish socialist communes, and would also work toward their goal of a world without borders. Today, that idea is referred to as "Globalism". The Al Olam would be a much smaller percentage of Jews, had it not been for British immigration restrictions to Jerusalem before and during the war. Hitler killed mostly religious or Zionist Jews waiting in Europe for a chance to emigrate to Israel. The globalists and leftists in Britain and the US were spared. Zionists like myself have no designs for Europe or immigration. Most of us are nationalists, and most of us support the political right in Europe and the US. Jews in Europe still vote roughly 65% conservative (according to Pew research), more than native Europeans, while Jews in the US vote 80% left wing. Israel supports nationalist leaders like Victor Orban and countries like Czech Republic or Poland. Netanyahu was recorded warning the Visegrad leaders against taking in any migrants at all. So there is a massive divide among Jews. We have extreme leftists like George Soros and extreme right wingers like Pamela Gellar or Netanyahu. Left wing Jews / Al Olam tend to hate Israel and Zionism, because they can't stand the idea of a nationalist state of the people for the people. This conflict is deeply personal, which is why Soros and others are working hard to delegitimize and harm Israel. At the same time, Israel is growing more openly right wing, for example with its open hostility towards Obama and support of Donald Trump. This is a massive problem not just for the US, but for Israel as well. The Al Olam want us dead, just as they want Europe and the US destroyed. They dream of a world where everyone is not just equal, but the same. A herd of indistinguishable sheep without cultural identity or agenda, without ambition or self interest. Ready and willing to serve their rulers. The left wants to destroy the very thing that has allowed man to evolve in the first place: his ambition for greatness. The left must be stopped at all costs. I hope Europe will rise up soon, before it's too late. When you do, know that Israel and countless right wing Jews are ready to support your struggle. Rejoice, for you will have a nationalist nuclear power ready to defeat the left with you and usher in an age of positive nationalism, where free people are in control of their own destiny again, free to act in their own self interest, but bound to other nations in brotherhood after defeating globalist tyranny and enslavement together. What a world it could be.