>>3544025 (lb)
>>3544045 (lb)
Phillipe Reines is pir@hrcoffice.com from the Wikileaks dump…
To: hrod29@hrcoffice.com, cheryl.mills@gmail.com,
Date: 2015-03-09 18:10
Subject: Leaks
Ok, this has gone too far. The email below is from Craig to Nick to me where someone knows an interview with Andrea was on the table. Seperately, Andrea just sent Nick this: "we are hearing news conference tomorrow?"
The Andrea part especially should only have been known to 10-12 people, 3 of whom are John, Cheryl & me.
(Original Message)
From: Nick Merrill <nmerrill@hrcoffice.com>
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2015 4:04 PM
o: Craig Minassian
Cc: Matt Mckenna - gmail; Philippe Reines
Subject: Re: CNN
This is nuts.
On 3/9/15, 3:59 PM, "Craig Minassian" <craig@minassianmedia.comwrote:
>This is just for you Nick but our favorite CNN source says that Brianna
>(who is filling in for Erin this week) and Dan have been speculating that
>HRC lined up an interview with Andrea Mitchell about emails.
>Now she obviously shouldn't be telling me this so please don't burn the
>source or Madre may pay the price.
>Sent from my iPhone