FYI, if you type Stormy Daniels into browser search engine, and then click on images…
YOU will not get ONE pornographic image of Stormy Daniels!
You can tell that there aren't very many people at this rally by the cheers.
I voted in South Dakota yesterday.
First time I ever voted a straight Republican Ticket!
I usually am a bit Libertarian, and I often go ahead and vote Libertarian (and used to vote Democrat if I thought they were ok)…but this year…straight Republican!
Thank you, POTUS!
Thank you for pulling the party back and saving our Republic!
Shit, I went to the first Star Wars "New Hope", and had to wait in a line that went down the fucking block!
Total Illuminati propaganda!
One of my great relatives from Germany was SS, he was first a brown shirt and served as lieutenant/deputy Gauleiter (Governor equivalent) of Bavaria area. He was surpassed when his Gauleiter died and he served a while as Gauleiter only to be replaced by someone he thought wasn't fit for the job, and then on the Night of Knives, the Gauleiter was arrested an executed…my relative was then put in his stead.
I believe he had lost his right arm during the war, and was a one armed Nazi.
He later only served as Gautleiter in Bavaria during the ending months of the war, and fought hard to keep his troops together.
Eventually, his final stand was in Regensburg and he had executed two men who were vocally advocating surrender to the incoming allies. For this he was convicted of negligence that led to manslaughter and served 3 years in prison.
He was released and worked at Volkswagen for the remainder of his years.
I don't think there is any comparison between POTUS and his followers to Nazis; but the similarities of what has been happening amidst his rallies and conservative speeches and ANTIFA and such is pretty uncanny!
Are you aware of the origins of the Brown Shirts in Germany?
ANTIFA was involved with their formation, and I saw the similarity with that while in Portland!
I was in a bar in Portland, and then there were protesters outside. ANTIFA.
Then some of the bar patrons got into verbal matches with the ANTIFA members.
This is exactly how the Brown Shirts were formed.
They were bar patrons and mostly war veterans from the first World War who had had enough of ANTIFA bullying conservative voices, so they formed the SA (Sturmabteilung) and the Braunhemden (Brown Shirts) who organized protection for conservative speakers against ANTIFA.
This is history repeating itself.