Anyone else starting to find the auto (refresh) button keeps getting unchecked by itself?
Sealed cases. There is NO confirmation about how many of these are indictments. Some are likely warrants, and others might be sealed because for other reasons (identifies minors, etc).
I want to believe this is extraordinary, I really do. But that number was a 1 time study that counted the number of sealed cases in 2009. That's been the sole basis for this widely distributed comparison. I'd like something a little more solid.
Yes, I did. And it says nothing to temper the uncertain assumption that these are all criminal indictments.
>Debbie Downer
I prefer Randy Realist. Look, I'm all in favor of there being more indictments than any other time in history. Even if half of them are indictments it would be (presumably) extraordinary.
Is your ID 1ffef7? Did you source a quote? Did you not say "As of today there are over 57,000 sealed indictments in the US District Courts"?
Too many people are making this assumption. The truth is we all HOPE there are a shit ton of indictments that will result in a mass arrest event, but very few outside of Hubers 470 actually know how big this will be.
I could see a good number of them being ankle monitoring, and I wouldn't be terribly disappointed if that were the case, because there'd have to be a LEGITIMATE REASON for them.
Harry S. Truman Strike Group Enters Arctic Circle, Prepares for NATO Exercise
Maybe doing readiness testing in the north for an assault in the south? Is Antarctica next?