Anonymous ID: 74f514 Feb. 12, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.355388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5439

Let's put ourselves

in the shoes

of a world leader; say

Donald Trump, for example.


Now in such a position

one may eventually

have to ask the question:

'is there a need for war'?



in a most extreme situation,

there are only two

possible answers:

yes and no.


One may therefor

be required to

do so in response to

a [i]perceived threat[/i].


A [i]perceived threat[/i]

according to what/who?


Now let's stop and return

to ourselves.


Do we ever ask ourselves

the question; what is

the [i]true threat[/i]?


In reality,

the only possible

true threat

that matters

in the end is

a war on the truth.


I pray the truth prevail

above all; including

there never being

a real need for war;

as the only war

that matters (in the end)

is the war on the truth,

as only in the truth

can ever justice be found.


Is the Qur'an the perfect,

inimitable, unaltered word

of God?


I know it is not.

But approximately

1.6 billion people

"believe" otherwise.


If this many people

are being led by a lie,

where is the truth in this?

How has this endured

for over fourteen hundred years?


Now go back

to Donald Trump:

does he realize

that he has the ability

to hold Christianity/Islam

directly accountable

to their own books?

Based on their own laws?

Perhaps he himself

held to them?


For example, Islam

vehemently requires

upon joining

to make a

personal witness statement



"There is no god or deity to worship,

there is only Allah, and Muhammad is

the final messenger of Allah."


This is "bearing testimony"

and any action performed

(resulting from this testimony)

against another individual

would be immediately subject to

one of the ten commandments:

(from an authority they both recognize)

'thou shalt not bear false testimony

against thy neighbor'.


If the Qur'an is not

the perfect word of God

(as it indeed is not)

then all Muslims

are guilty of violating

this commandment…


…which happens to be written [i]in stone[/i].


Muslims subsequent

to bearing false testimony

receive the "pattern of conduct"

of Muhammad to imitate:

Muhammad thus being an idol.

This idolatry would have been impossible

had it not been for their bearing

false testimony previous.


Islam thus will collapse

and the women will

realize what men

have done to them

for the past

fourteen hundred years

and stand in solidarity

and join the ranks for men

not as subordinates

but as equal:


for nowhere is it written

from Adam's own rib

was derived [i]four[/i] Eves.

Anonymous ID: 74f514 Feb. 12, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.355724   🗄️.is 🔗kun




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They are the Zodiacal sign

For September

And denote the 'cosmic balancing'.


It occurs every September.