Federal election overseers need to go to these border districts and demand proof of Citizenship to vote. Its far too easy for illegals to register if they can just check a box
I can easily provide proof I was born here, a Natural citizen, and anyone who has earned Citizenship can as well. I don't understand what the problem is with this notion.
This is insane. A full scale invasion is being attempted after a failed coup. I am not for violence in any way, but the threat of violence must be understood if these carpet beggars intend to come steal our wealth, our jobs, and bring poison into our communities. They should be seen as a THREAT, not as ASYLUM SEEKERS. We pay their countries to handle their people properly with dignity and humanity, and yet their people feel it necessary to mount an invasion. Are we paying for our own invasion?
>Just like the idea that you have to prove citizenship
Obviously, we should not HAVE to provide proof, When I register for example, my applications should be verified as a citizens application and then verified I ahve't lost my right to vote by committing a VIOLENT FELONY, and then I should get a Ballot, thats it. The government knows who the Citizens are and who has violent felonies, but I dont mind showing the PROOF if it saves trouble, manpowr and resources. I am a fucking citizen and I dont want my VOTE negated by a noneligible voter
Yes, Civil War Confederate States had them until the 1970's
The people that do this function are only their as monitors and are accompanied by State Election Officials. Its merely an accounting agreed upon by both parties, The State and The Federal Government. Happens all teh time with Federa law enforcement and State Law enforcemnent. when a problem is found, it is revealed and a solution is agreed unto by both parties, usually in Trial Like setting, The UN does it in countries with struggling Democracies. Its amicable
A Nation without Borders is a Nation without Citizens, and is No Nation at all
Mars hasn't had an Eruption in 50 million years, is this plume of smoke stretching thousands of miles across the Martian surface caused by a volcanic eruption or an asteroid strike near the volcano mount?
So you're saying the European Space Agency has an algorithm on their satellite to paint cgi clouds into the images it takes?
weird how all four volcanoes make a Isosoles triangle too
God Trips
Clearing house for "wet work"
Whatever. Clowns are running this whole wwrap up smear. Its a lot broader than Kavanaugh and American Politics, its WW