The Admiring "The Plan" considering what we're up against.
The Economic Matrix of the Cabal
[Top of the Food-Chain] - Global (fractional) Banking Cartel "He Who Has the Gold" - You know the rest.
[Connection to Distribution Network] - Venture Capital Firms "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7)
[Distribution Network & Matrix of Control] - Global Corporate System (1) Incorporated as "Entities" so the people running them are mostly shielded from direct responsibility = "It was the evil corporation, not me." (2) Look at the list of Major Global Corporations; They cover every aspect of our individual lives in a very personal way: Employment, Food, Transportation, Education, Technology, Energy, Insurance, Real Estate, Media & Entertainment, Military Industrial Complex, and the Biggie = Healthcare.
BTW, I didn't leave out Big Gov's because they're OWNED by the corporations thru "Career Bureaucracies" of "Administrative Experts" & "Technocrats".
I was intrigued by the TV show that came out for one season only:
"Incorporated" (SyFy) Nov 2016 - Jan 2017
I didn't watch the whole season but was intrigued by the premise:
In the future Global Corporations run the world after "Eco-disaster". The corporations have a complete economic & bio-tech hold on all controlled areas of the world.
Were there some writers that slipped out a little message to us in the Fall of 2016 (right after the election of DJT) about what The Cabal had planned for us if HRC won?
A little "Art Imitating Life"?