when you understand that this is a war between clinton (satan) and trump (god) and that SA is on trump's side and germany is on clinton's side it all becomes much clearer
>anons unless the dems cheat massively which is possible, red wave imminent. spoke to a group of lifelong black democrats. the one woman in her 80s was complaining about the abandoned houses and the banks having a stranglehold on them. township can do nothing and doesn't even want to try. dem stronghold. the abandoned houses are in foreclosure and making the neighborhood attractive to squatters and no one can buy these houses. she said "we can be a bank! they don't have any money! they have our money! this is crazy!" so…if this is the attitude in a blue town in a blue county in a blue state. they are screwed.
blue state?
Not cali?
Do some hunting and figure out what the real problem is.
I have waardenberg's syndrome. My father got sent to the looney bin with the same syndrome and he never had a normal life because of it.
I used google one day and did some researching…. I can't duplicate the search again, but what I basically did was trace waardenberg's to this particular gene, and then did some more research and figured out what vitamins/minerals caused issues with this particular gene or should I say the gene causes problems with what particular vitamins and minerals.
In the case of waardenberg's it turns out that the gene responsible causes issues with magnesium and vitamin D. I get chest pains because (I know now) I'm low on magneisum. I take 800-1200 (2-3 pills at 400mg each) and all my chest pains go away. Works every time and within a few hours.
I'm in the stage of waardenberg's where all my hair goes grey and it's around the same time my dad went to the looney bin, I think he went several years younger than I am now though. He did drink a gallon of milk every day for 30+ years and died 400+ lbs…. I don't plan to do that.
I also take cod liver oil for the vitamin D and occasionally I'll take vit. D pills and use a light box.
Once you get the research done and figure out what the actual problem is finding a cure is simple.
the report that I believe is that he left the embassy by a little used side door that no one pays attention to……
where is he now? damned if I know
But I'm pretty sure they didn't kill him in the embassy.
forgot to add that mag and vit d content in milk is pretty high. he was mighty proud of the 300 milk jugs strung up on his porch before he took them to recycling
I got chest pain and I don't want to move up any fucking line
I'm not going to the fucking hospital when cayenne pepper works way better than any of their fucking heart attack drugs.
ironically, churches have no need for 501c3 under the US constitution
however, what if all of these organizations that call themselves churches aren't really churches at all?
makes you think huh?
go drink a bottle of hot sauce and then come back and tell me.
honestly a good google search can tell you alot
I didn't read every word of this but this will give you an idea.
>have you ever had a spinal tap
after seeing what I saw today if they ever suggest giving me a spinal tap I will tell them to go fuck themselves
Hell before today I probably would have anyway
holy shit I've learned a lot about spinal taps and the pain they cause.
ty anon what book? i swear I've seen that before.
yep….. wish people would wake the fuck up…. my wife knows i like her in a dress and not wearing makeup but she wears pants and such a lot.
i grew up in a house with no tv but she likes her tv and white christmas tree tho.
man was created first and then woman from man's rib…. that is why she is made from a man
your argument of men coming from women is invalid because women come from women too.
and yes catholics worship mary above jesus and god because mary is a representation of satan
ask yourself why many of the mary statues look like a woman's pussy.