>>3555958 (lb)
You can bet he did.
>>3555958 (lb)
You can bet he did.
>Nazi's killed lezzies, tranny
Not surprising given that pedophilia was rampart and pedophilia is always over-represented among those groups.
>which is why they call Trump and his supporters Nazis because they think you want to kill them or something
They are probably going to kill themselves, statistically speaking. And even if Trump conceded on anything, they would just keep demanding total submission.
>SO advocating for germans burning the books and killing
I never did. I only replyied to someone that was mocking Hitler and ironically saying that Htiler knew all about transgenderism, as a reply to the pics related in this post.
You're using a strawman argument, I do not advocate for the killing of the faggots or the kikes, I just advocate for all of their GROUP power to be taken away from them, given that they are subversive groups.
>hey goy, don't worry
>what are you, afraid of some invasion?
>you need to stop reading online conspirancy theories goy
>remember the 6 gorilion
Watch this.