Thinking you're bettin' on the wrong horse, there, faggot.
It's from Fallout 4. The Minuteman faction. Patriots in a post-nuclear Boston trying to reclaim the wastelands.
Go to party supply store, where they sell all sorts of balloons. Buy the silver mylar "Q" balloon. Tie it to your antenna in the parking lot. Just before the rally, arrange for everyone to let theirs go at once.
T-shirts? We don't need no stinkin' t-shirts.
Don't underestimate the power of a good time.
The difference between success and failure often comes down to morale. Those who fight as "happy warriors" tend to do much, much better than the stressed-out, pessimistic groups.
Party on, Wayne.
I ain't skeered. We know what to do. Anyone who's bitching about the silence is either a newfag or a shill. We oldfags know the score.
CB is a hopeless clown shill. He's trying to stoke the Civil War fire, thinking it will break his way. He couldn't be more wrong.
It would be a massive embarassment due to the lackluster numbers and the inevitable comparison to Trump's rallies. And he knows it. He thinks that carrying water for the #Resistance will catapult him to the role of savior. He's either a plant or the least-aware lawyer in the world.