You are not the first faggot to waste digits, faggot.
well, the caravan of semis carrying these criminal invaders should be at the border by tomrrow.
The Marines have MPs.
So does USACE :D
You have some inconsistencies in your copypasta, faggot.
>Beelzebub (not Beelzebub) appears as prince of the demons and says (6.2) that he was formerly a leading heavenly angel who was (6.7) associated with the star Hesperus (which is the normal Greek name for the planet Venus (Αφροδíτη) as evening star)
> Seemingly, Beelzebul here is synonymous with Lucifer.
Lucifer = Morning star.
You even suck at copypasta, faggot.
Well, FWIW if you want to go biblical with it, God uses Nature when judgement is being meted out.
I'm not ruling out weather modification; but it is a consistent theme in all Bibles.
This is when you know the whole country doesn't believe the fake msm bullshit. This could be photographs of black friday shopping lines….
The difference is, MAGA peeps will happily wait HOURS, just to see POTUS speak.
>he Signal argues that it has been generous to Hill in its coverage — even spiking negative stories — but that she refused to stop a campaign of harassment and slander.
So wait.. Is this paper ''admitting that it is yellow journalism??????''