Thanks for posting. This is a very important research finding. We already know that aluminium is found in nearly all postmortem Alzheimer's brains, but they explained that a way years ago arguing that it was due to a leaky blood brain barrier in old age and that it plays no role in the neurodegenerative disease.
Possible causes:
1) Aluminium in vaccines
2) Aluminium in foods
3) Aluminium ions in hot water (anode rods in water heaters are now made of aluminum, no longer made of magnesium)
4) Aluminium ions combine with fluoride ions in fluoridated water to form aluminium tetrafluoride (AF4) which is highly neurotoxic because it has a higher affinity than phosphate ions for G-protein coupled reactions in the body.
5) 70% of those in Western culture no longer consume enough daily magnesium, which is necessary for among other things keeping Aluminium from accumulating in the body.