Anonymous ID: 642da3 Feb. 12, 2018, 4:32 p.m. No.356740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Speaking of Dreams,

Had a weird one last night. I was walking along beach and saw a gorgeous woman laying on her stomach with long dark brown semi curly hair. I mean gorgeous. So I walked by tryin to look cool and she did indeed look back.

Next Im running full speed and jumping high in the air and I can do acrobatic manuevers and I tell myself yep the pretty girl is watching.

Then I look and people are yelling run and the Earth starts rumbling and shaking and I take off running for awhile until I run into someone and ask what is it Godzilla? And the person looks at me and says it is a monster and I say where? The person says Coumo Bay.

Forgot all about it but then I saw Coumo"s name come up and I remembered the dream.


Looked it up just now.

This is all I can find.



Cuomo proposes 407-acre state park near Jamaica Bay in Brooklyn (updated)


It would be among the largest parks in New York City

By Amy Plitt@plitter Updated Jan 4, 2018, 2:16pm EST


Old Landfill Site.

So could be nuttin, I don't pay much attention to dreams generaly, and don't know what this could mean if anything.

Thought I'd post it.

God Bless Anons