Anonymous ID: 784691 Feb. 12, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.356795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798 >>6817

I think we are missing the bigger picture here. It's about CONTROL. TOTAL CONTROL of Humans. How is it ok with say the NK people to accept their situation under a brutal dictator? Yet you see them cheering for him. How can anyone with a free thinking mind think that's ok? The answer is they no longer have a free thinking mind. Decades of brainwashing by state control media, starvation, medicines, everything they need is controlled by the gov't. Think Stockholm Syndrome.


The US was well on it's way to being much like NK. They are making us sick, withholding cures, control MSM, indoctrinating our children, inventing gadgets that make "life easier". All in an attempt to make us give up independent thought.


Have you noticed that dense populations (major cities) are more blue than red? Ever wonder why? It's mob mentality. After decades of being told what to think and how to feel, they have lost the ability to independent thought. They gravitate to large cities of like minded people. Think herd of cattle stampeding. First cows, in fear will run off a cliff. The "followers" will blindly follow. I would bet that if MSM and HW elite told the masses it was in their best interest to jump off a cliff, there are many who actually would.

Gives the statement "Where We Go One, We Go All" a whole new meaning. Just sayin….


The cabal treats the masses like sheep for total control. We are the guinea pigs for their sick experiments. All the clues Q has given is showing us who they are and how they are doing it. Connect the dots. The end result is the same. Thank God for Potus and the white hats who have come to save us. It's a global battle. Good vs Evil. Thank God we are being saved. Full knowledge will hopefully stop this from ever happening again.