from previous bread
>So……did they kill the wrong Ivanov?
LOL no...the Q "research team" fingered the wrong one.
>I think they will hit back hard for this one
not holding my breath...
>>>355934 (You)
>what indication do you have that GITMO is full to capacity, so full another site is now open?
>Because Q said so.
>Who are all these people filling the cages?
>Swamp Creatures - They are not yet filled but will be very soon.
>we're talking about thousands of missing people
>No you are. And you are totally uneducated on the subject.
You're kidding...right? Because full GITMO and needing more space means a FUCK LOT OF MISSING you even think? Why so sheeply...because Q said so? Do you think you're going to bully me out of using my own brain and applied logic by saying that an anonymous person on the Internet made a claim therefore it's true?
first look at time lag between Q's post and the VERY first post of passenger other post of it, the FIRST post...then consider the format and ask yourself how Cyrillic got translated so fast...and why the format on SOME of the names is different..I was expecting howling about it from anon..but hardly any REAL anon left on here who have the....anyway.... I kept my mouth shut all night.