It is (G. O.) and it is a white morning glory.
There is a lot of connotation to that. The main thing being that the slaves selling their grown good could in fact gain a portion of an income… and that the higher up the food chain in status they were, the more they were successful because they were given better land plots, time and even some supplies. Think Maxine Waters. Think possibly Korea farming the kids and skimming or trading and being paid in things like U-i… And state secrets.
Now they supposedly also steal cyber currency, but who isn't?
We need someone that is attached to media to get us the talking points. I know someone knows where they come from.
Not sliding, but Uni-Rock did a couple of "talking point" msm pieces that was disturbing in how all across the nation, even simple lines like Ice Cream You scream, and the fake "well you know the rest" was put out, or presents for kids on Birthdays… I had to stop watching because he had TOO MANY at one time and it was like brainwashing.
I have studied this a lot. I have seen people try to call it biological. The need to breed not removed from the human genome. (bullshit) I have seen social reasons, all sorts of shit. I agree with the other poster that a lot of things are per capita and with new technology we have more access to focus news. It's harder to hide. Is it any greater PER CAPITA than it was before? They say no. I say fuck off, you weren't keeping stats.
Society sets the norm and moral standard. People like RBG want it lowered for a host of reasons that are all crap. Keep dudes out of jail… girls can get knocked up and flush or adopt out… It's all shit. We cannot lower the age of consent in an age when we are keeping our kids children even longer. The two are opposites.
150 years ago a 15yr old man went to work. Because he had to. Now he should because he SHOULD to grow into adulthood. But that is westernized. Many places they need money and labor provides that. Ask Kathy Lee Gifford about that…
I will not excuse someone who harms a child. Ever. We have enough problems with people harming each other as adults who might have a fighting chance… But never a child.
This is not a good thing and I pity whomever some asshole doxxed. I did not see that post between those two as I scrolled through, but hey, lots of shit on the board so maybe so.
Like hundered year old info, but thanks for the reminder