I read somewhere yesterday that we (Earth) are passing through the remnants of the tail of Halley's Comet.
Ever notice not one of these fucking retards claiming JFK is alive ever mention his wife?
That kind of stupid should be lethal.
Trump put the ass on the Mexican president, apparently he don't listen so good. We could fuck them six ways from Sunday economically if we wanted to but that would just make it worse.
These Deep State/Cabal motherfuckers are really desperate pulling this shit.Stick some rolling armor in their way and be done with it.
A few HE rounds should discourage even the crazy ones.
Fuck you cocksucker.
That's two.
I have more.
It's not a lack of vocabulary, it's the way I talk. You don't like it feel free to take a big suck outta my ass.
The one and only reason they are allowing it to happen.
I'm still keking over getting called a shill. Buncha fucking Poindexters in here this morning.