who the fuck is kevin?
Also, this the incident with 9/11 widow?
> 458539
These stupid liddle mossad shits and their "muh baker" "muh hated catholics" bullshit again.
We can't wait til we get to your hated jew asses and take away all your nukes.
From now on, you follow OUR diktat, (((bitch))).
the stupid kike bitch is getting mouthy with its conscript ass tonight.
It's a great thing our enemies leave their futures up to these stupid little shits LOL
while royals are running for shelter, roths are waging this war heavily, and russia/china are working to free themselves from the power structure that binds them, israel is shit talking catholics and sliding on Q research while trying to avoid being kashoggi'd.
Meanwhile, their kids are in denial and think POTUS and jared/ivanka are in their pocket, and think throwing shitty 4chan memes about 'muh great black dik' to kids under age of 20 is going to do them any good against real people.
This is the state of kikes in 2018.
It's fucking amazing what rigged game can do to puppets.
know your place, jew boy.
Remember this:
those caravans (((you))) are sending our way?
arabs will outbreed/impregnate your kike asses within 20 years tops HAHAHA
We will, with ABSOLUTE certainty, replace your kind.
What goes around, comes around. israel and jewry will accept their fate quietly.
There is only Q.