I am pasting this from a masonic text that was handed down to me by a family member my mother married into. The book is called 'Biblical Masonry'. The guy I received this (and what I believe to be his whole collection of stuff) from told me the religious institutions of the world are (he used the expression) "deceptive institutions whose currency is human ignorance".
This is from the opening chapter called 'Biblical Patriarchs'
"…It is necessary to behold the structure of the Tree of Life in order to understand the function of the biblical patriarchs - indeed it is the same Tree of Life that is planted in the Garden of Eden.
……………………….(Crown)…………………………………………………"I am who I am"…………….
…#3#BINAH ………………………#2#CHOKMAH………..HOLY SPIRIT………….SON…….
(Understanding)…………………………(Wisdom)…………..Virgin Mother………..Christ (messiah)
…..(Divine Soul)………………………………(Spirit)………………………………………………………
………………………….(Human Soul)…………………………………………………………………………
……………………….#10#MALKUTH………………………………………..Physical Body…………..
The Garden of Eden contains a superior (higher) and an inferior (lower) state.
The higher is in Da'at which means 'knowledge' and is between the sephirot 3 and 4.
The lower is in Yesod which means 'foundation' and is in sephira 9.
Malkuth is the physical body in 3-dimensional space which carries its respective vital body (Yesod) which is in the 4th dimension and is not physical in nature: from the perspective of a physical being, the vital body exists in the "heavens" or Hebrew shamayim (firey-waters) that govern physical creation: just as in the same way ones vitality determines ones resulting behavior(s) as manifest in a physical way.
The Hebrew word for Noah is nuach which means 'rest'. The Hebrew letters of this name nun-chet refer to the seed of life: the letter nun denotes 'seed' and chet denotes 'life' and is the 8th letter which, on its side, denotes the figure 8 symbolizing perpetuity.
The ark of Noah is the Tree of Life itself: beginning in/from Malkuth, Noah constructs the ark 300-cubits long (hebrew letter for 300 is shin, which contains 3 vavs denoting the 3 patriarchs Abraham/Isaac/Jacob which comes from the seed of Noah) with 3 levels: the remaining 3 worlds after Malkuth (Phyiscal):
World of Aziluth (Archetypes)
World of Briah (Creation)
World of Yetzirah (Formation)
………Yesod…………………….^^^^^Ark of Noah
World of Assia (Action)
The path from Malkuth (Adam) to Chokmah (Christ) which leads to Kether is what the Hebrew scriptures depict. Beginning as ADM, every being has the ability (potential) within to walk the same path as the patriarchs: each archetype or avatar descends from the world of Aziluth (archetypes) down into the world of Yetzirah and is a part of how creation itself is designed: by who or what, for what and why, and how etc. is all a part of the mystery of being.
B'reshith bara Elohim et hashamayim v'et haaretz
"At the head [of the summit] with wisdom [through six] was created (by Elohim) [the totality of] the firey-waters [names] and [the totality] of the earth."