All other shit aside.
>"Did you box a moving target?
Makes me think aircraft targeting might be ONE of the sources for ithe [killbox] or for the pussies: "[batter's box]"
All other shit aside.
>"Did you box a moving target?
Makes me think aircraft targeting might be ONE of the sources for ithe [killbox] or for the pussies: "[batter's box]"
If you kek while you make it, you made it right.
I prefer the non smiling one, and I think it's fine without the original hair.
Highest ranking Ayoo lmao confirms.
Well said anon.
The R shit is annoying on the boards, but really gets my goat is when MSM says we believe in it. We respect JFK and his son around these parts. We are not a bunch of Elvis/Tupac groupies waiting for a second coming.
dubs confirm twins
I see your jefferson's and raise you an Archie Bunker monologue on the democrats.