I am going to premptively post this… Because I know this bread will be shat up to the gills with RLARP BULLSHIT. What is the RLARP you ask?! Well Lad, sit down on the floor and let me tell you… A long time ago in a land far far away (July 2018) There was a time when Q didn't post for a while…. A shitload of people started following "R" Also known as JFK JR, Reincarnated. This was a scam perpetrated by (((Someone))) who has skin in the game and wants Q and Trump discredited. Anyway, these fuckers posted someshit and everyone started looking at pictures of JFK and of some old woman with a sparkly hat and all sorts of other nonsense. It was just silly. When Q came back this image shows his response… THERE IS NO "R" THere is only Q… Anyway, shit on this rlarop faggot if you get the chance… I will post this picture as often as I can and I encourage you all to do the following…
Riggghhhtttt…. They are the same thing. NIce triforce though.
correct… sadly
uuhhh there is another way to make a swimmingpool?
i just hope they look like those hot blondes from the Nordic alien stuff. rawr…
I know right?! JUst think of UFO's PACKED TO THE GILLS with babes like that landing all over the place. I come in peace indeed… Take me to your leader….
Exactly this….
im tellin' ya Look at all the pastel alien drawings here… Hot nordic models are the aliens. Why do you think they are hiding them??!! Remember what you are fighting for.
Hollow Earth… Filled with not babes… THIS is my kind of conspriacy… I'm sticking with that one. 100% That is the best one of all.
Yup… I agree… Rshit is gay… THere is no R there is only Q…-Q
dude… go find a picture of the south pole with NO EDITING… Surely some astronaut or satellite took ONE right? I have dozens with holes in them but not one that is not photoshopped.