FFS….this is making my bp rise!
Can't POTUS pull out some kind of EO or something???
Oh great….Latina muzzies are in the caravan
That is exactly what I was wondering
Where I live, we have had several cases of measles and tuberculosis from shitholers visiting home countries and coming back here
Gohmert just said this on Fox….that Trump will completely close the border if this caravan continues
I sure fucking hope so….
Theres a hurricane and a tropical depression, I believe
I am buying a few, myself….would be funny as hell if anons won with these numbers
Same here….I will report back, as well
Dave Hodges has been saying this for a while now
Says thats their plan….
He is usually pretty out there, but may have been right on this one
It isn't an exaggeration to say that we are under assault from all sides
They actually have a decent size Muzzie influx in Mexico
They are all there waiting to get into here
Mexican muzzies are odd to me….
I had tickets…want to go sooo bad, but we live a few hours out. We wouldn't get home until Tuesday
Texas is the most popular destination for catch and release illegals
We are slowly being fucked here
I just started…would like to hear him address this