Apache gunship headed west over central NC. Trump keeping a promise?
>>3553958 (PB)
The choosing ended the day after Passover in 33 c.e.
I guess that makes them thieves and, with the self-doxing going on, stupid ones at that.
>>3553702 (PB)
Strongly suggest you bite yourself. I've seen your arguments before and they are shit. You challenge the Christians to defend their beliefs and then claim that they cannot use the only proofs available.
And you think you've won a debate … no, you've shown yourself unwilling to debate. How about if they challenge you to defend evolution … without recourse to any of your science books? Science books are many times proven false. New information shows the old information to have been "ab initio" false. We have access to some very old copies of the scriptures and they show that the Bible has actually survived largely intact … certainly in much better shape than your claims of spontaneous biogenesis.