Anonymous ID: 742a4b Oct. 22, 2018, 8:55 a.m. No.3562340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meme Request: Why pass laws if you're not going to enforce them? (Schumer!) End Selective Enforcement. Restore Liberty and Justice for ALL (jumping off point)

Emphasis on return to Rule of Law. Equal Justice under the law. Party of Crime, Double Standards. Constitution is the most level playing field the world has ever seen. Corruption has tilted the balance.

Need memes that remind folks why Justice is meant to be blind and one set of rules equally applied for all people regardless of personal circumstance.

Not sure how to inject humor into this topic but I think the multi tier, "just us" system is where most see the rubber meet the road. People know this is a problem. Too many laws making targets of us all. If the the institutions can be restored the people will again know freedom and Fairness for all. Without it, we are back to feudalism where the law is a cudgel instead of protection from abuse or an equalizer as it was meant to be.