Anonymous ID: 66e58a Oct. 22, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.3563465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good assessment here, Anon.


Agreed that we can't know this yet:

>Hostile subversive or an asset against israel/NWO?

But neither can (((they))) which is still in keeping with Q/POTUS strategy to keep the enemy guessing.


>kushner knows that he cannot be in a spotlight.

Interesting that he chose to do it via the black folks angle. Van Jones seems to be a frenly/fan, and the main issue they're discussing is Prison Reform, which more effects the black pop'n.

Puts me in mind of the talking point in POTUS's rallies of late, giving ex-cons 2nd and 3rd chances to get jobs.

It's still a non-divisive issue in that many of Trump's middle America white base have criminal records due to being so demonized/discriminated against in jobs and family courts & the drug crisis. As long as we have downstream continued employment based on merit only, then allowing more ex-cons the chance to compete w/o being denied solely on red-tape means it only helps the deserving yet still gains POTUS "compassion points" to balance his hard-ass rep.


Re: twatter–said he doesn't have an acct. "Some ppl find is useful but to me, personally, it's just a lot of noise."


Re: ME, stressed "America's interests" and "America's stragegic interests" often. Was vague re: Khashoggi, still gathering facts, told them to be transparent, we have "eyes open."

Re: Israel/Palestine, it's about "what the people want, not the negotiators" so continuing w/populism angle. Says Isr. ppl want "security," and Pal. ppl want "opportunities."

You could apply this as the general apologist argument for all Jews whose oppression over their neighbors/host pop'ns has been found out: "let's compromise, goy. We're afraid of being booted (security), but you're tired of our interfering w/your freedoms & skimming off your wealth (opportunities)"


It's a smart retreat/repositioning on (((their))) part, whether the current globalist/satanists want it or not. So JK could be repping the "good jews" joining us in battle v. the "bad jews." Historically, there have been "court Jews" that served at the pleasure of the King and advocated for his ppl within the confines of the host pop'n being rep'd by the King. This is the most humane and pragmatic solution to the JQ, as they are a ppl that have evolved over time as sub-populations in this way.

The problem is it's been tried and failed many times b4; the elements of deception/subversion w/in their ranks always manage to orchestrate & capitalize on weaknesses in the host pop's ruling class. Total separation may be necessary to stop recurrences of the Satanist faction from rising again–a starve the beast approach– but short of that, an ambassador like Jared would be a good mediator IMO. I didn't expect to come to these conclusions going in, but I came out of the i'view liking him.