I still see R's picking up 5 Senate seats and +/- 5 House seats. Plus a lot of Rinos and never-Trumpers are out, so the next Congress should be much improved. SCOTUS and the Courts are already much improved. There seem to be serious swamp issues in the Exec Branch though. There should be mass force-outs and firings once the new Congress commences.
You'll never be our Daddy.
You may be unaware that there are more than 200 million private armed citizens in the US.
Killary helps Rs.
New laws are in this year allowing more terminations, but more reformation is needed. Remember, a new law can be passed in 30 days or less.
>>3563735 Currently in litigationโฆ
and Russians are the other white raceโฆ
Libtards are weak and undisciplined. Lines will prevent /their/ votes.
Everything's bigger in Texas.
NG would be first call, I'd imagine.
*outside of Los Angeles
I actually expect the D party to be finished in 2019. If the DOJ wakes the fuck up and arrests the demonicrat crooktards, stick a fork in the D party. Another left of center party should emerge. Maybe the Greens?
I was in a bar in deepest blue Cal Saturday and when a "comedian" asked who the crowd was voting for Gov, it wsa met with near silence. Newsom is a demonic crook like Soetero. I mentioned Cox to those closest to me. Encouraging. Residents know inherently that the D crooktards have ruined the state. No enthusiasm for more of the same. It's all about rampant vote fraud. We'll see if DHS has done anything about it.
Then 9/11 happened, Bushbamanation. The country has been noticeably more fucked since 9/11.
Cant wait the results see it later.
MAGA hat or Trump?
One of my biggest concerns is that almost everybody who came of age after around 1990 hasnt really seen real general American prosperity, although we are finally seeing some signs of it now. The crooktards stole America's legacy and tried to make the USA is a faggy unamerican shithole with unrestricted immigration, causing the traditionally 85% white America to turn into a 62% white, immigrant-infested mess. We need to close the borders from 20 years, not 20 days. Not kidding.
I'm also way past tired of the excuses.
Technically, you may be correct about it, he's not a candidate.
Some Republican anons really need to get on McDaniel about fixing that.
Fox is noticeably worse without him.
Bush Sr. really accelerated the nwo agenda. That's why the Perot movement came about. Then Ron Paul. Then, Trump.
*Beautiful Nellie
Shepfaggot seems especially triggered today. Kek