Shepfaggot is extra triggered by the Khasoggi fiasco. I guess he thinks somebody somewhere cares about Arabs killing an Arab. It was sloppy, but not unusual.
*Voting is an option, not a duty. Think moar.
Alyssa, is that you?
For Boomers, Bama was a Bummer.
Maybe neither Bob from Friday night, nor Dave from Saturday ever texted him back.
Nobody fucking died for anything you have. Soldiers die for corporate profits.
Yet the 35 AWAN demoncrats still run free.
It's a faggoty job but somebody's gotta do it.
It only matters who counts the votes.
He looked like he needs extra tp for his bunghole today.
Tell me which country your freedom was in, Nam, Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan? The fucking masonic police are the biggest threat to your freedom, not some gooks or ragheads in places you'll never go.
The invasion will bring out more R's than D's to vote.
Vote fraud is the only election issue in Cal. Has the Trump Admin done ANYTHING about it? I havent seen it.
I wish she was my maid, I'd do her twice a month on the kitchen table.
The polls in the week before an election are the only ones that are looked at later for accuracy. Earlier polls are mostly propaganda.
The results will show whether anything has been actually done.
I dont see the D's getting many I votes. I's arent usually libtards, or they would be D's.
What I've actually seen is R's losing several important rigged elections since Trump was elected.
Nobody here cares. Drudge is faggot, rantingly is on.
Bruce provides more proof that libtardism is a progressive mental disease.