This Invasion Can’t Be Organic – And It Must Be Stopped
by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 22,2018
RUSH: Yeah, yeah. I’ve been studying this. I’ve been trying to figure out, my friends, this caravan business. Remember, I told you, I told you months ago when everybody was hyping all these blue wave polls, and I said, don’t buy it. The events that are gonna shape the election haven’t even happened yet. And, boy, was I right about that. Here comes this caravan popping up out of seemingly nowhere. And now there’s a second one forming. Have you heard about that one? You haven’t? There’s a second caravan forming even as we speak.
And it seemingly has just come out of nowhere. And I’ve talked to a lot of people. Who do you think’s behind this? ‘Cause this… They’re trying to make this look organic, but it can’t be! It can’t be organic! Something like this has to be planned. And so I’m asking myself, who’s behind the planning? I’ve asked the question, well, they have to eat. Well, they have to use the bathroom. Well, there’s some kids there without their parents.