Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:04 p.m. No.3565968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6092 >>6111

>>3565837 No, my words.


>>3565781 Meme Harvester here. I've been farming/harvesting the memes from the Memes breads since November, minus a month or so around February. So if your memes were in general Memes bread there's a good chance I harvested them. Couple of keywords would help me locate them. (I assign keywords when I harvest, based on my perception of the meme's main topic or how I would expect to locate it in the future.)

That folder I was displaying is a search of my local file system to demonstrate to anons how it's done. There's a mirror of my meme harvest file system on the Mega Memes Library. Didn't mean to confuse you by displaying something that some are not aware of. Thought it might add clarity.

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:13 p.m. No.3566078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could this April 2018 graphic still be valid? Does anon have time to check that website and IDEN targets that need extra meme attention?

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.3566144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh well. Meme made months ago.

I'm looking through the 1H2018 Midterm Elections folder and not seeing very many that comply with Meme Psychology 101.


For example this one.

Obama with MS-13 tatooed on his face is great (although he's not running – he's such a recognizable and now-hated symbol). If the target audience is Repubs or Independents the meme might work.


The ones we really need to flip are the traditional Dem voters. They will be offended by seeing "Democrats" spelled "DemonRats". That's an insult to what they have long believed, right? Why would they believe a meme that insults them to their faces?


If this meme were remade with the word "Democrats" or some other language there, it might still work.

See what I mean?

I wish this principle was better understood by more anons.

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.3566246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6263

Here's another of the older Midterms memes that is confusing.

Who's the target audience?

Dems who need to change their point of view, or Repubs who already know the Dems viewpoint is bad?


It's Dems who we need to reach, isn't it?

So we see a 4 recognizable-to-some-people Dem faces doing a swirly.

What if the viewer doesn't recognize Brennan?

What if the viewer (being ignorant) doesn't think Obama or Pelosi did anything bad?

Wouldn't this meme offend them, and not change their point of view at all?

And #Resist is directed to which audience?

WHO is supposed to Resist WHAT?

Repubs supposed to resist the dems?

Dems supposed to resist the Repubs?

It's unclear. I think to many viewers it would be unclear.

Was there a #Resist hashtag trending at some point in 1H 2018 and the hashtag is simply to get the meme noticed by those (presumably libs) with an interest in that hashtag who view themselves as part of the Resistance against Trump?


Just critiquing a few memes pulled from the repository. Feedback from what works and what doesn't work can help us create better memes.

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:31 p.m. No.3566275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Here's another example meme from the repository.

Who is the target audience?

If the audience is Dems who we hope to flip, to vote red, would this flip anybody?

The main message appears to be "If you're a Dem, be demoralized because not many will vote Dem."

So this is a meme addressed to US to make US feel good (it works well for that!) But will it flip anyone who is not like us? Doubtful.

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.3566313   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Eric Schneidermann a recognizable face to most people? I don't know. If he is, and if they know that he resigned amid the allegations of sexual misconduct, then this meme could work great.

Or would rank-and-file Dems say to themselves, "Well he was a bad apple but he's gone now and he doesn't represent our Party." Or would they pardon him and say the allegations constituted a political vendetta against him?


See how this works?

Anonymous ID: 1abd1c Oct. 22, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.3566356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is the #QAnon hashtag a problem that gets people banned now, or is it still usable?

Does the #Treason hashtag relate to the content here? I think not. It's just something that was trending at the time these were made.


I think these are pretty good.