Guys, workfag completing my 72nd hour at work in the past 5 days. I missed hearing what time the rally starts in Houston tonight.
Can someone please tell me? I'll tune in even at work.
Thank you.
Guys, workfag completing my 72nd hour at work in the past 5 days. I missed hearing what time the rally starts in Houston tonight.
Can someone please tell me? I'll tune in even at work.
Thank you.
Awesome. The Time Mag memes are among my favorites! Excellent work, Anon!
Thanks for the info on the Houston Mega-Rally start time, lads. I am having a very slow shift, so I'm charging my phone so I can stream our awesome President's rally. I've watched almost every rally since 2015. I love Donald Trump so much. I can't wait for tonight's, so thanks again for letting me know that it starts at 7:30. Whether it's eastern or central, I'll be there.
Oh yeah, one final thing? I already have my own boobs, so I'm good. Please feel free to share those boobies with someone who doesn't already have some. Truth be told. they're a royal pain in the neck. And shoulders, back, stomach, and knees. Truly, boobs are overrated.
Thanks again, lads.